"Look, A proper powerful team is relied on we can trust each other.
And that does not begin until we know each other Better, is that
right Z V2.0?" Starlors asked Z V2.0, Z V2.0 responded "01011001
01100101 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01101001
01110011 00101100 00100000 01010011 01110100 01100001 01110010
01101100 01101111 01110010 01100100 00101110."
"Look if we're going to that place we need to know what in it. The
colony where my special weapons lab is located has been overrun by
the alien race called the reavers they're mostly crustacean and are
known to manifest claws. They are also technological advanced and
really dangerous, but look their main energy source is here located
in the middle once we bring it down we can quickly destroy them."
Dominion said
"None of your concern. But I'll give you the short version. I have
my insane, ridiculous, reasons. Which might or might not involve
blood." Aqua said, looking at the sky.
I can't say I approve of you telling her. Hunter was walking
with Forge inside the ship. "Look, Hunter, you know me inside out.
I'm not sentimental. I have a job, nothing stops me. So why create
mistrust among us?" replied Forge. John, your business is your
business. replied the Lucario. Forge stopped walking. "Not
anymore Hunter. Not anymore." Forge got down on one knee and looked
Hunter in the eye. "Look, I know that your my equal. But I'm going
to need you to do a huge favor for me. Start trusting other people.
Especially other Pokemon. That one betrayal in the past shouldn't
affect your entire future." With that he walked off. Hunter gaped.
He had thrown in the betrayal so casually. But in the end, Hunter
decided he was right.
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
"Okay, Domininon, I will need an inside, Jewel Blast, Pilot."
Starlord said as he got off the chair. "Tell me, do this crabs have
thick shells? If they do, what is their weak spot?" Starlord asked
more. He was still curious of Aqua. The Ship began to take off.
"It's a crab, just stab it's belly and be done with it..." Aqua
muttered as she looked around at the ship. For someone like her, a
spaceship was an odd sight.
"Just a stray thought. That, and yes, this is the first time I'm in
a ship that flies... I usually only use the ships on water." Aqua
replied. She remembered the days when she had been younger.