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The Horror Attraction || (fnaf 3 rp, open and accepting)||

Forum-Index Roleplay The Horror Attraction || (fnaf 3 rp, open and accepting)||
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 12/03/2015 22:42 (9 Years ago)
Crystal quickly ran over to Can 7 "She isn't here !" she sighed. "Maybe in can 2"
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Thu, 12/03/2015 22:44 (9 Years ago)
Phantom mangle saw crystal

"You are not going anywhere"
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 12/03/2015 23:00 (9 Years ago)
"Yea like you could hurt me " she quickly ran to Can to.There she was standing in the hall Crystal still had her beak. "Toy Chica!" She shouted but nothing happened she quickly ran up to her "Toy Chica?" She carfuly put her beak back on "Wake up please!" She pleated "They are coming!"
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Thu, 12/03/2015 23:23 (9 Years ago)
springtrap steps were heard

phantom koko walked infront of the desk of the office

Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 00:03 (9 Years ago)
"Toy Chica please he is coming we have to go"She said as she grabbed her hand " We have to hurry Springtrap is coming "

Toy Chica blinked "Hi!" She said happily "Have we met?" She asked "Yes you have you have to remember but for now we have to go Springtrap is coming"Said Crystal
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 00:09 (9 Years ago)
"she got reseted by the flashlight" said a voice

springtrap got closer, he was at cam 01 and about to reach the cam they were in, cam 02
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 00:17 (9 Years ago)
"Don't you think I know that?" She retorted as she pulled Toy chica over to cam 6 "We need to leave this place " she said slowly "We are safe for now"

"Ok?" Said Toy Chica Suddenly she remembered everything "Crystal!" She said "Your still alive "
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 00:26 (9 Years ago)
*crawling noises*

White points appeared on cam 07, it was broken toy Bonnie


Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 00:33 (9 Years ago)
"Who is that?" Asked crystal pointing to Toy Bonnie "And why is he screeching so loudly;"

"Oh that's my Friend toy bonnie we replaced those old and out of date animatronics" Said Toy Chica "And it seems he is broken so that probably explains the screeching"
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 00:37 (9 Years ago)
*head glitches out and screeches louder*

broken toy Bonnie twitches and screeches even more

phantom BB was behind him
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 00:40 (9 Years ago)
"And the ball on boy does he have a name?" She asked as she looked at Phantom BB

"The thing is his name IS Balloon Boy and he didn't really replace anyone he just came with us" said toy chica "The truth is his laugh gets pretty annoying" she whispered
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 01:24 (9 Years ago)
phantom mangle came from the ceiling

"there are you BB!" said phantom mangle
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 01:42 (9 Years ago)
"Oh so should we escape now ?" Asked Crystal "My shift was over a long time ago" she added "But we have to hurry" she said as she climbed on toy chica "To the exit !" She shouted

"I'm not sure I'm supposed to be going out there " Toy Chica Quickly walked twoards the exit

"I'll open the door " she whispered as she opened the door "Come on this is your chance to be away from these animatronics....to be free" she said as she walked outside

"I don't think I can go outside" she tried to but she couldn't it was like a force field was keeping her from leaving the place "You go on I'll wait for you tomorrow"
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 01:45 (9 Years ago)
the door locked trapping cristal and toy chica inside

"going somewhere?" said springtrap
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 01:53 (9 Years ago)
"You go ahead Crystal you have hands reopen the door and leave I'll take care of Springtrap!"she shouted as she took off her beak " Promise you will keep it safe I'll get it back tomorrow "she said handing her beak to Crystal she then Turned twoards Springtrap and Jumped on him

Crystal nodded and unlocked the door she quickly ran outside far from the Horror Attraction " I will be back "She whispered she knew she was going too need some stuff " I will save you Toy Chica "she quickly ran into her car and drove back home " I'm not going to sleep"she quickly ran inside her home and grabbed some thing she then got back to her car and drove back to the Horror attraction."You know what is in there "she murmured as she stood in front of the place.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 01:57 (9 Years ago)
springtrap had removed the head of toy chica, leaving just an empty Shell of non-living matter

the head of toy Bonnie was in te floor too as the hand and head of toy freddy with his mic

"they are gone....." said a voice
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 02:10 (9 Years ago)
Crystal walked in through the same door she had left through then found tay Chica head on the floor "You shouldn't have" She took out a bat from her bag "Good thing I had baseball practices " she then swung her bat and hit Springtrap in his head making it fall off.She quickly ran and grabbed Toy Chicas head and her body "I hope I can fix it " she whispered After a while she had soon all she could it seemed fixed she just didn't know if it was

Toy Chica. Woke up "You saves me" she murmured as she got up "Thank you"

"Here have your beak back I wouldn't let you die here" she said as she put Toy Chicas beak back on
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 02:16 (9 Years ago)
the heads of the toy animatronics shined a bit and then darkened again

phantom chica was right behind them
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 02:22 (9 Years ago)
"Come on we have to go" Said Crystal putting her Bat in swinging position "I'll try to keep them away"

"Im not sure where to hide there are animatronics almost everywhere" said toy chica nervously

"We can't stay in one place for too long " said crystal as she walked over to cam 8 while Toy Chica followed
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2015 02:24 (9 Years ago)
*BB laughs*

"i will kill you, and i will do so even if you think i cant" said phantom BB in cam 08
Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

Don't starve >:3