Forum Thread
Pokemon RP GM
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon RP GMThis is a private school for Gijinkas, special humans who were born with Pokemon features. We offer grades Kindergarten through 12th. Students here stay in dorms with one or two roommates, learn about the Pokemon world, and much more!
We Plan It Out (Y)

1. Respect the Teachers
(Admins): We are here to make sure everyone is having a good
time and not making things difficult for others to enjoy playing.
That being said, if we ask you to stop a certain behavior, please
respect us and do so.
2. Respect your Classmates: We want everyone to be able to come here and feel that they can have fun without being picked on. Do not disrespect others. Report any bullying or abuse to the correct grade Admin. (Note: this does not apply to characters who are bullies unless the Role Play bullying starts to get out of hand.)
3. Do not Mini-mod: If you see someone breaking the rules or disrespecting another player, do not confront them yourself. Tell the Admin in charge of the bully or rule-breaker's grade and we will speak with them.
4. Do not ask to become an Admin: If I think you'll make a good Admin then I will ask you about it. If Aurora or A_wild_CHARIZARD think you would make a good Admin, they will tell me about you. Asking to become one lowers your chances of it actually happening. If you do become an Admin, prove to me that you've read the rules by giving me the password: Kip.
5. HAVE FUN!: We want everyone to enjoy their stay here at Pokemon Gijinka School, so follow the rules and have lots of fun!
2. Respect your Classmates: We want everyone to be able to come here and feel that they can have fun without being picked on. Do not disrespect others. Report any bullying or abuse to the correct grade Admin. (Note: this does not apply to characters who are bullies unless the Role Play bullying starts to get out of hand.)
3. Do not Mini-mod: If you see someone breaking the rules or disrespecting another player, do not confront them yourself. Tell the Admin in charge of the bully or rule-breaker's grade and we will speak with them.
4. Do not ask to become an Admin: If I think you'll make a good Admin then I will ask you about it. If Aurora or A_wild_CHARIZARD think you would make a good Admin, they will tell me about you. Asking to become one lowers your chances of it actually happening. If you do become an Admin, prove to me that you've read the rules by giving me the password: Kip.
5. HAVE FUN!: We want everyone to enjoy their stay here at Pokemon Gijinka School, so follow the rules and have lots of fun!
Sign-Up Form

My Character's Name:
My Username:
I Would Like To Join This School Because:
My Gijinka:
My Gijinka Gender:
My Pet Pokemon:
My Pet Pokemon Gender:
My Grade Level:
My Username:
I Would Like To Join This School Because:
My Gijinka:
My Gijinka Gender:
My Pet Pokemon:
My Pet Pokemon Gender:
My Grade Level:
Example of a Filled-Out Form

My Character's Name: Your Character's
name goes here~ Example
My Username: Your username goes here~ Examplurr
I Would Like To Join This School Because: Just a quick reason you decided to join this RP~ I am an example, fun!
My Gijinka: A picture of your Gijinka. Needs an image, can be a custom sprite. Must be shown in a spoiler~ (spoiler)Picture of a Gijinka!(/spoiler)
My Pet Pokemon: Must be the Pokemon that you are a Gijinka with. It is a small familiar that remains the same size when it evolves. Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, or get full from a piece of popcorn. They are sentient (meaning they can talk). You can get a sprite for this character here.
My Grade Level: Just tell us what grade your character is in~ 9th (High School)
My Username: Your username goes here~ Examplurr
I Would Like To Join This School Because: Just a quick reason you decided to join this RP~ I am an example, fun!
My Gijinka: A picture of your Gijinka. Needs an image, can be a custom sprite. Must be shown in a spoiler~ (spoiler)Picture of a Gijinka!(/spoiler)
My Pet Pokemon: Must be the Pokemon that you are a Gijinka with. It is a small familiar that remains the same size when it evolves. Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, or get full from a piece of popcorn. They are sentient (meaning they can talk). You can get a sprite for this character here.
My Grade Level: Just tell us what grade your character is in~ 9th (High School)

Grades Kindergarten through 5th
(Elementary School): AuroraNightshade~ Lady Aurora
Grades 5th through 8th (Middle School): Kaneki_TheGhoul~ Mudstar the Kip
Grades 9th through 12th (High School): A_wild_CHARIZARD~ Miss Finn/Finnegan or Finny Sensei.
Grades 5th through 8th (Middle School): Kaneki_TheGhoul~ Mudstar the Kip
Grades 9th through 12th (High School): A_wild_CHARIZARD~ Miss Finn/Finnegan or Finny Sensei.
To Get Messages From The RP Go Up To The Top Of The Page And Hit Subscribe! It Enables You To Receive Messages From Here!
Now Have Fun On Campus And With Your Room Mates!!
Title: Hello!
My Name Is : Lady Aroura My Username Is: ArouraNightshade I Would Like To Join This School Because : It sounds awesome! My Pokemon : Mega Gardevoir My Pet Pokémon : Sweet Pea, the Ralts My Gijinka:

Title: Example

(This Is Real Too) Im Actually Gonna Be A Student.)
My Username Is: A_wild_CHARIZARD
I Would Like To Join This School Because : I am the head of the High School, grades 9-12
My Gijinka:

My Pet Pokemon: Charcoal

My Grade Level: 12 (Senior)
Welcome, students, to the high school! You may call me Miss Finnegan, or Miss Finn for short, or Finny Sensei. Any is fine. Please report any bullying or misconduct to me, and remember to have fun here! Charcoal will also be around to take any messages if I'm not here. (PM me if you see anything you find is inappropriate or someone is harassing another player)
Please report any rule breaking at the Elementary School level (grades kindergarten through 4) to Lady Aurora, and any rule breaking at the Middle School level (grades 5-8) to Mudstar the Kip.a
Also remember that if you would like a Gijinka sprite to use for this RP you can always click my Gijinka to take you to my Gijinka shop. Enjoy your stay here Pokemon Gijinka School!
My Username Is: Oddballme
I Would Like To Join This School Because: Hey, I need an education too!
My Pokemon: Misdreavus
My Gijinka:
My Pet Pokemon: Misdreavus
My Grade Level: 5th
My Pokemon : My Gijinka: My Pet Pokemon :female Meowstic
My Grade Level: 9th

My Username Is: xxNeverlightxx
I Would Like to Join this School Because: I enjoy learning, and the social atmosphere school provides
My Gijinka:
My Pet Pokemon: Tiato

My Grade: 12th

My Pokemon : vaporeon My Gijinka:
My Pet Pokemon :female vaporeon
My Grade Level: 9th
"I know. We should go meet someone. That's the point."
"Drevaus. Misdre."
"No, we couldn't." June ended the conversation and started walking around aimlessly.