Forum Thread
Alif's Pokemon Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Alif's Pokemon ShopI can breed:
Easy: caterpie , weedle , pichu , igglypuff , zubat , tentacool , geodude , ponyta , gastly , magikarp , zigzagoon , mareep , azuril , tailow , kricketot, tympole , solosis , cottonee , vivillon , sentret , bidoof , shinx
Medium: nidoran , alakazam , machomp , slowpoke , granbull , lombre , volbeat , cacnea , swablu , croagunk . snover , venipede , gothita , emolga , karrablast , Swirlix
Hard: drowzee, absol,
Rare: eeve ( limited and evos available) , poliwag, ralts
Special: drifloon , combee
Starter: fennekin, tepig, charmander, squirtle, torchic
more to be added..
My prices are: easy= 1k - 2k
medium= 3k-4.5k
rare= 4k- 5.5k
special= 5k - 6.5k
I accept all bargains.. if you feel the prices are high, tell me!!
also, breeding for gems= palpad me for the price...
and, only breeding for gems= porygon= 80 -100 normal gems
miltank= 50 - 80 normal gems
psyduck= 30- 40 water gems
growlithe= 80-100 fire gems
pinsir= 50-80 bug gems
unown O/P/? = 150-200 fairy gems
skarmony= 30 steel and flying gems
phantump= 30 ghost and grass gems
furfrou= 50-80 normal gems
rufflet= 30 normal and flying gems..
alomomola= 50-80 water gems
I will pay 10k
Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Title: May I join?
Easy= 1,000- 1,500
Medium= 2,000- 2,500
Hard= 3,000- 3,500
Rare= 4,000- 4,500
Event= 10,000
If you feel the price is too high or too low, tell me, we can negotiate.
I also accept Gem offers ^^
if you see correctly i ordered first
Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra