Snow looks at Amy "That is who we call Raika The Tester. i took one
of the Raikas that attacked us and Reprogrammed her to help us. she
is made for testing them. first and you fail you are not ready. 2nd
try and you fail means death......". Cosmic takes a deep breath
"Healing test try 2. I need time. Test Raika can you change the
land to a nice rainy jungle full of wild tree monsters?". Test
Raika nods and changes the land.
Snow shakes her head no "No. only her.". Test Raika stands up "The
Test will be starting shortly! this is Cosmic's last chance! if she
fails she will have to die........... not even i want her to
die........". Cosmic grabs her balls of healing and starts to make
them float.
Test Raika sits down "The test starts now!". Snow quickly runs up
and puts a dead Pine tree with 3 dead sinvys on it near Cosmic.
Cosmic sits down and her 2 balls of health start to float around
the dead things.
Snow smiles ~They are the ones 8809 tested on. we have like 15 dead
ones left for this kind of test.~. Cosmic giggles a little as the
tree is fully back to life and is growing. the snivys start to come
back to life.
Cosmic starts to laugh and soon stops as the tree has grown 4 feet
and the snivys have fully evolved "At least i stopped this time.".
Test Raika giggles "Ya. at least this time we did not have to kill
a snivy the size of Raika again this time. you pass.". Cosmic
smiles "Yay!". Snow and 8809 smile "Good job cosmic!".
"Well done! The Enrichment Center reminds you that although
circumstances may appear bleak, you are not alone. All Aperture
Science personality constructs will remain functional in
apocalyptic, low power environments of as few as 1.1 volts."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Cosmic smiles "Want to make this your room too? it would be nice to
have a new room mate. Snow is nice and all but she tends to sleep
in her own bed.".