Forum Thread
Four Worlds In One -Invite Only-
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Four Worlds In One -Invite Only-
I heard that you were looking for the history of this facility, right?"


Now a funny question: What did they produce?"

"The story of Aperture". Do you want to hear it?"

Title: The Story of Portal: Part one
"The Story of Portal, begins in the early 1940s, when a man with the name Cave Johnson, founded the company, Aperture Fixtures. Back then, the company manufactured and sold, shower curtains. After the company saw major financial success, Cave Johnson decided to buy a Salt Mine to begin constructions on the various research and testing facilities, you went through on the way here. For several decades to come Aperture Science developed several new technologies, including various forms of gels (Conversion, Propulsion and Repulsion), the Storage and Companion Cube and of course, the famous Portal Gun."
Raika lifts her Portal Gun up.


Title: The Story of Portal: Part two
After countless fail attempts, to cure his affliction, Johnson became desperate. He ordered his engineers to start a research on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Mapping, in hopes that his brain could be downloaded into a computer. But fearing that he would die before the technology was ready he left personal instructions fir it's personal assistant Caroline, to take his place. In the end, Caroline did indeed downloaded her brain into the computer and became... GLaDOS.
Want to hear part three?"

Title: The Story of Portal: Part three
After Chell defeated, when she finally reached the outside world, Rattmann did aswell. But when he saw that Chell was dragged back into the facility, he felt guilty and went back to rescue her. Once back inside, Chell had yet again be put into suspended animation, inside a Relaxation Chamber, just like all the other Test Subjects. But there was a problem. The Life Support System for the entire complex was failing. Due to the time running out, aswell as being shot in the leg, by a Turret, Rattmann was only able to save Chell by connecting her chamber to the reserve power grid. All the other >10,000 Test Subjects, likely perished, soon after. (Then Portal 2 begins.)
After that, GLaDOS sent two robots, to find Test Subjects, back there in Aperture Science Innovators. They also found me, and she activated me. I built Snow. And now, I was dragged through universe, by universe and wasn't here for 20 years. Now I am back and staying here
The End."

It was nothing. I just told you the story. Now, can you lead me to the test."
