Troy: But that won't be enough. We need more information on Tails
and what he is working with. For all that we know, he could be with
the Order all I know about.
Spark:....*Looks away* You can lock me out of all the security
systems. Because this...*Leaves the hospital*
Spark: My father killed your wife. And Troy's father. How can I be
forgiven with this! Everyone will look at me as the son of the
murder. The one who made the world what it is now! Just....I can't
stand it! I've no father, we don't have a world, we have no future!
*On the ground* What is there left for us instead of playing heroes
and villains every single day for the rest of our lives.
Troy: *Looks at the paper* If this is the case, then where are they
located? There must be a location of there base of operations. I'll
be going. Get some rest, Joe. Tails won't come back for a while
*Heads to Joe's Workshop again*
Nicole: But when? When did all of being replaced feeling started?
*Thinks* *Stops thinking* I hope Troy can find him. He can't be
like this forever, I know he still got an heart. But for now, I'll
be with you, Joe.
Troy looks for the location of the Order of Horus Headquarters. At
first, it seems to be hopeless, but soon realize that he's closer
and closer to the answer.
Troy: Huh. *Looks at the map* This is where they located. *Looks at
it closer* Planning operation on this location. *Put the paper in a
safe place* I'll get some rest. *Leaves Joe's workshop to home.*