Forum Thread
riders of Demoria (dragon rp)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → riders of Demoria (dragon rp)''yeah.... same.. come on...'' alice muttered, standing up and picking snowflake up.
snowflake climbed into the hood part of alice's hoodie and curled up.
"Somethings not right here...snow is a master rider and he hasn't caught this guy yet...secondly we need to see how he fights...thirdly we must look around for places we can use tactical"
roxas says eyes slightly purple
If you want details PM me
alice grabbed his arm and flipped him off of her, then pinned him to the ground as she held a pocket knife to his chin.
''never... do that again....'' she growled, her eye's blazing with lavender flame's.
as snowflake glared at them, even her eye's seemed to be blazing, only with icy blue flame's.
Rider Form
User name: Judaiandjohan
Rp name: Ateer Kamina
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has short, messy, caramel brown hair and sea green eyes. His skin is slightly tanned. He wears a white button up shirt with an orange undershirt and jeans.
Weapons: Sword
Better a magic or combat: Magic
History: Ateer was left at a farm when he was a baby. He was adopted by the farmers and grew up workin on a farm with an older 'sibling' so he's no stranger to hard work. One day he found a weird egg in the farm and took it, wondering what it could be. A few days later a small dark green dragon hatched from it. His foster family sent him and the dragon to he fit to find the other riders and train
Master: Whoever is open
Other: He has a necklace that has what seems to be a dragon tooth that hes had since he was a baby. He knows nothin of his real parents or where he came from.
Name: Altair (It means like an eagle)
Species: Fire dragon
Appearance: Like Saphira from the Eragon movie except dark green
Age: Hatchling
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui

Ateer walked through the town, Altair perched on his shoulder. He sighed as he stopped, his dark green dragon cooed. "I get that we're supposed to find a master of some kind but how the heck are we going to do that?"
Altair cocked his head, giving his rider a blank stare. "Ahh, we'll figure it out somehow." He continued to walk but stopped in front of an alley when he heard some sort of commission going on. Altair growled and Ateer put his hand on the hatchlings head to quiet him. He walked through the alley and saw a boy and a girl standing, arguing, and each had a dragon with them.
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui