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The Lab || 1x1 with SandeviRae

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP The Lab || 1x1 with SandeviRae
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Thu, 19/02/2015 23:53 (10 Years ago)
You blink your eyes open and your eyes slowly adjust to your unfamiliar surroundings.
Where are you?
You pull yourself to your feet, your body aching all over. You look around and see some other Pokemon. You think. They all have the general appearance of Pokemon but yet... they don't seem so right. Then again, your last memory is a man telling you it would all be over soon.
At that thought realization hits you like a rock.
You scurry over to the nearest puddle and stare in horror at your reflection.
The word explodes into your head.
You're a fusion.

(Feel free to fill out the form as if it were the Professor were filling it out.)

Experiment ID: 02175
Nickname: I call her 'Blythe.'
Gender: Female
Fused with: I originally fused her with Bidoof and Flygon, but she seems to have developed the colors of a shiny Umbreon in the process of fusing.


Blythe is a Bidoof with Flygon wings with are bordered with a light blue. Her fur is short, sleek and midnight black. She is fairly small and built for speed. Her eyes are a light chocolaty brown and her paws are tipped with small, useful claws.

Personality: Blythe is timid and tends to lurk in the shadows, despite her persistent, curious attitude.

Preferred Environment: Anywhere cold or snowy, oddly. Though she is mainly a Normal/Flying type a hint of ground still lurks within her DNA.

Experiment ID: 005630
Nickname: She refers to herself as Sandevi
Gender: Female
Fused with: Well, we started out with a sample of strange dna left over from a failed experiment from years ago, and eventually it grew into a shiny mew/mewtwo fusion looking creature. She has collected scraps of materials in the workplace, promptly creating tail ornaments, which she refuses to remove. We are currently experimenting with mega stones and this pokemon.


Personality: She seems to be very upbeat and positive, and is exceedingly spontaneous.

Preferred Environment: The test subject seems to tend to adapt to fit most environments, but she appears to prefer a cozy environment with several methods of entertainment. She does not seem to be picky, but she seems very partial to internet access.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 01:15 (10 Years ago)
Experiment ID: 005630
Nickname: She refers to herself as Sandevi
Gender: Female
Fused with: Well, we started out with a sample of strange dna left over from a failed experiment from years ago, and eventually it grew into a shiny mew/mewtwo fusion looking creature. She has collected scraps of materials in the workplace, promptly creating tail ornaments, which she refuses to remove. We are currently experimenting with mega stones and this pokemon.


Personality: She seems to be very upbeat and positive, and is exceedingly spontaneous.

Preferred Environment: The test subject seems to tend to adapt to fit most environments, but she appears to prefer a cozy environment with several methods of entertainment. She does not seem to be picky, but she seems very partial to internet access.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 23:39 (10 Years ago)
(This is shortly after Blythe's arrival btw)

Blythe opened her jaws wide and let out a yawn. She opened eyes and looked out at the snow from her spot high up on a conveniently placed boulder. The snow glittered in the early morning light. Blythe, who had showed up less than a week ago, had quickly figured out the different environments were produced from the lab facilities, but it was nice either way. She was positive they made it as realistic as they could get it though. She stood, stretched and fluttered her spread wings. The emerging sun smiled down on her at her attempts to get the snow off before she took to the sky. The wind laughed with her as she soared through the air. I'll never get sick of this! she thought. Just when she thought she was having the time of her life, the environment abruptly shifted. In her confusion she spun out of control and slammed into another fusion.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 21/02/2015 16:40 (10 Years ago)
Sandevi was wandering around the environment facility, a random fusion slammed into her. "Oi! Watch where yer flying!" She exclaimed, spinning around. She froze in midair. "Hey, who're you? I 'aven't seen anyone else 'round 'ere since the scientists shoved me in 'ere." She inspected the fusion. It seemed to be a shiny umbreon colored bidoof with flygon wings. "I'm Sandevi, wot's your name?" She asked.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 21/02/2015 17:57 (10 Years ago)
"I'm Blythe. I got here like a week ago," Blythe replied. "It seems the environment shifted while I was flying. Is that something normal?"

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 21/02/2015 18:07 (10 Years ago)
The Mew fusion shrugged. "Well, it changes once in a while, but then again, I've been sleeping most of the time. That, and trying to find a way to access the internet."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sun, 22/02/2015 21:11 (10 Years ago)
"I have a feeling that the environments have a few glitches here and there then," she said with a shrug. "I've been meaning to see how far the environments extend out for a while. Now that I'm out of those mountains maybe you could help me?"

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 23/02/2015 18:33 (10 Years ago)
"Help you with what?" Sandevi asked, tilting her head to the side.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Mon, 23/02/2015 21:49 (10 Years ago)
"With finding the limit to the environments," Blythe replied, "maybe we'll even find a few internet-involving glitches."

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 17:45 (10 Years ago)
"I don't think it works like that." Sandevi said, thinking Blythe's idea over.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 17:47 (10 Years ago)
"We wont know unless we try," Blythe replied persistently.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 23:15 (10 Years ago)
Sandevi gave a small sigh of defeat. "Okay fine, I'll help. What do you need me to do?"
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Wed, 25/02/2015 22:21 (10 Years ago)
"Really, just company. And I'm hoping you have a better sense of direction than me."

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 26/02/2015 01:45 (10 Years ago)
Sandevi blinked. "Well, it's easy to tell. The sun/moon never moves. It's always in the north, over there." She said, pointing over some trees. "I guess I'll come with anyways though."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Tue, 17/03/2015 02:02 (9 Years ago)
"Well, let's go!" Blythe, wings flapping in a blur, took off to the north, covering a lot of distance quickly. Of course, she forgot about Sandevi's own speed capabilities.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 17/03/2015 14:36 (9 Years ago)
Sandevi shot through the air like a bullet, easily matching Blythe's pace. After only a few seconds of flight, the environment changed, shifting into a slightly humid jungle.