Vanu backed a bit then he rushed and on the edge of the land he
dived down under warter "Swimming is fun" he said laughing as he
had came up above the surface with his head
"So am i searching for a own home or living with you, you never
awnsered that" he continued a bit more seriously as he had to start
searching now if he had to
Vanu hoped up from the water and shook his fur to get it dry and it
got all puffy "haha i look like some blow fish oh well i will go
look over there for berries" he said pointing up norht
Vanu looked behind a large rock and found a sitrus berry bush
"Perfect" he said happily before he collected some of them and some
extra for Lucky then he returned to the meeting place
Lucky was trying to find berries when she heard a sound...
"come back here! " she looked thought the bushes to find a trainer,
who Apparently lost one pokemon "oh no, I have to get out of here "
she run the faster she could to the meeting place "Vanu! "
Neona was looking through a bush to find a berry, she found one and
ate it, "Mmm, yum," she said, she walked near a stream to take a
drink, "Hmm, wonder where the others are?" Neona asked herself.
Vanu was not planning on getting caught again so he swiftly hid in
the bush they called home with the berries and handed over the ones
he had collected to Lucky "Here i collected some for you too now
lets keep still so the trainer dosn't see the bush shaking"
the trainer passed by the bush , not even looking at him, and after
making sure the coast was clean lucky and vanu got out .
"that was scary. what would be like being in a pokeball?" lucky
asked, more to herself