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|| Surive Through || Fnaf Rp
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Animatronic Or Night Guard:(If Animatronic put what animal they are.)
Good, Evil or Neutral:
Location/Move Pathern:(Animatronics Only)
My Form

Brown short hair and blue eyes. Blue jacket and black boots. Has uniform on and the security guard hat.
Sometimes nice and friendly but has a serious side and sometimes gets scared and freaks out.... but its rare.....
Animatronic Or Night Guard:
Night Guard.
Good, Evil or Neutral?:
Location/Move Pathern:
She used to go her before when she was young but something happened making her mother stop taking her there and now she is here as a security guard.....
She Likes Toy Chica kind of and her mother got her a job here.
Cream & Toy Cream
Both a bit after the gangs
Both Female
Has fur missing and has a broken eye and left one is missing. Left ear is missing and her clothes are messed up. Tail is kind of gone. Wires show and it looks like her other ear is close to falling off.
Red fur and pink eyes. A cook like outfit that is blue and has a bid saying happy birthday on sometimes. Holds a spoon or bowl sometimes. A fluffy like tail. Red cheeks that are hidden
The old one is mostly serious and dangerous since she turned like that. The new one is friendly but still kills security guards even though her old version kind of didn't.
Animatronic Or Night Guard:
Animatronic Wolfs
Good, Evil or Neutral?:
Old:Bad New:Both
Location/Move Pathern:
Starts at parts and services room and goes through some of the party rooms before going through the vents or the hallway.
Starts a new icecream palor or stage but mostly the ice cream palor. doesn't come out much but goes through a few rooms before going into the vents to get you or through the hallway.
Nothing much..... but one day something happened and Cream (Old) was put out of order.
They might team up to kill you so watch out.... and the mask might not work on them and you shouldn't check on them much since that lures them to you..... and if you do that's asking for death on later nights when there more dangerous.
Name: koko
Age: 10 (as human)
Gender: F
Appearance: a black plott hound animatronic with a moon necklace (as animatronic)
a small girl with long, brunette hair and a white shirt with pants (as human)
personality: she is one lonely animatronic as foxy in the first game, but she is kind to kids and other animatronics
(she also doesn't likes to be observed)
Animatronic or night guard: Plott hound animatronic
Good, evil, or neutral: neutral
Location/move pattern: she starts at the parts /service room, but if watched she will move into the party room 4 and then into 1, after that she will crawl in the vents 11 seconds, then she enters the office. if the freddy mask is not on she will attack you
History: to be told
other: le derp .3.

Don't starve >:3

Auraora slowly sighed and went in looking around before going to the office and sat down picking up a tablet. "I guess this is what to use..."Auraora said bored. Toy Cream slowly powered on and looked around. "A new night guard.... I bet the old animatronics wont get the guard like last time...."Toy Cream though laughing a bit.
Name: Jeff
Age: 19
Gender: Male.
Apperance: He has brown hair and brown eyes, and he has the uniform on as well as the hat. He also has brown boots.
Personaility: He is pretty friendly, he can get scared easily, but he can become serious.
Animatronic Or Night Guard: Night Guard.
Good, Evil or Neutral:
Location/Move Pathern:(Animatronics Only)
History: He used to go here as a kid.
Username: Banette
Name: Snow
Age: Brand new.
Gender: Female.

Personaility: Kind, Happy, Shy, But sometimes she glitches out and goes into attack mode.
Animatronic Or Night Guard: Husky Animatronic
Good, Evil or Neutral: A little bit of both. Mostly good, though.
Location/Move Pathern: She starts out in the icecream place, then she begins to either crawl through the vents or the halls. She mostly goes through the halls, She will proably only go through the vents on the last night.
History: They wanted to add more animatronics to the icecream place, and they thought a Husky would be perfect.
Name: Crystal
Age: 13
Gender: F
Apperance: a Articwolf animatroinc with a crystal necklace, and mini skirt
Personaility: unknown
Animatronic Or Night Guard: Animatronic Artic Wolf
Good, Evil or Neutral: neutral...
Location/Move Pathern: starts in kid cove, the rest is unknown
History: unknown
Other: :b yay