Forum Thread
When We Collide~ {Invite Only} WIP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → When We Collide~ {Invite Only} WIPWe
Basic plot/Story here

~Normal PH rules apply~
~Be as active as possible - If something comes up (a trip, bad case of writer's block), talk to me~
~NO one-liners >.> Please use a minimum of 4 sentences per post~
~Don't worry, no password for this RP ^-^~
~Feel free to godmod... IF YOU WANT TO BE KICKED~
~Nobody's perfect {Except for me~}. So don't make a perfect character! Everyone must have their flaws.~
~Maximum of two characters per person~
~I lied >:3 Mwahahaha. Somewhere in your form put 'Cat is bae' for the password~
~If you have any questions, feel free to PM or PalPad me~
~I reserve the right to make any decisions I feel necessary~
~Be as active as possible - If something comes up (a trip, bad case of writer's block), talk to me~
~NO one-liners >.> Please use a minimum of 4 sentences per post~
~Don't worry, no password for this RP ^-^~
~Feel free to godmod... IF YOU WANT TO BE KICKED~
~Nobody's perfect {Except for me~}. So don't make a perfect character! Everyone must have their flaws.~
~Maximum of two characters per person~
~I lied >:3 Mwahahaha. Somewhere in your form put 'Cat is bae' for the password~
~If you have any questions, feel free to PM or PalPad me~
~I reserve the right to make any decisions I feel necessary~

Meeee <3 {duh~}
If you aren't invited and you want in, talk to me >^~^<
If you aren't invited and you want in, talk to me >^~^<

Character Name~ {-}
Age~ {-}
Gender~ {-}
Species~ {-}
Abilities~ {-} (Maximum of 3, not too powerful)
Personality~ {-}
Appearance~ {-}
History~ {-} (Optional)
Dimension~ {-} (Please choose one that hasn't been taken already)
Mutations/Transformations~ {-}
Other~ {-}
Name~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Age~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Gender~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Species~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Abilities~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Personality~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Appearance~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]History~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Dimension~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Mutations/Transformations~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Other~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Age~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Gender~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Species~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Abilities~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Personality~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Appearance~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]History~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Dimension~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Mutations/Transformations~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Other~[/color][/b] {-}

Character x Character ~ # of Votes ~ Ship Name
Beach is a mod, plotmaster, and a lot of things in this thread. She also reserves the right to make any necessary decisions
The several main universes that we are using in this rp, as listed below.

Universe Alpha
aka Universe 1, U1 for short
This is the "normal" universe we live in now. No explanation needed.
Universe Beta
aka Universe 2, U2 for short
Universe Beta is pretty much a world where humans have a slight chance of developing super powers. It's pretty much a comic book type world, but without any interstellar adventures.
Universe Omega
aka Universe 3, U3 for short
This universe has no humans. Instead, it has furries and humanoid animals, with the same intelligence as humans. It is pretty similar to Universe Alpha, besides the fact that everyone is a furry. Normal animals still exist, but they are considered a completely different class of species. This world also has mild magic, as well as a couple different mythical species, such as dragons, mythos, succubi/incubi, (aka cubi,) and demons.
(Loosely based on the world of Furrae in the webcomic Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures)
Universe Gamma
aka Universe 4, U4 for short
This world is basically an post-apocalyptic earth, where there are only several surviving communities of humans. In this universe, humans actually used nuclear weapons in WWII, destroying the world and poisoning the landscape. This mutated the wildlife and caused the dead to reanimate. Zombies and mutants exist in this world, both having sane and human version that pretty much act like unaffected humans. Zombies are only contagious if they have toxic green, glowing eyes, a side affect from the radiation. Normal zombies have blood-red irises.
Universe Zeta
aka Universe 5, U5 for short
This universe is a sci-fi alien type one, where humans have ventured into the universe and have got warp drives and such. Technology has become radically more advanced, even coming to a point where robots can be programmed to develop their own personalities and become self aware, even taking the place of children in families that cannot produce children. There are many accessible planets, as humans have created civilizations with aliens all over the galaxy.
Universe Delta
aka Universe 6, U6 for short
This universe is pretty much the same as Universe Alpha, except that there are mythical creatures of all kinds. Magic exists as well, though humans don't know as much about it as some of the more intelligent creatures do, such as dragons. Only about half of the human population on Earth believes in magic and mythical creatures. Earth is the only available planet.
Universe Theta
aka Universe 7, U7 for short
Also known as the seventh dimension. It is basically a mixture of all the other universes, except with no human/humanoid life forms. Thools are the only intelligent organisms in this universe, and it is pretty much a version of the universe if humans and human-like creatures had never existed. It only has 1 accessible planet, though this planet is full of floating islands, and is about the same size as Neptune.
If you need further explanation on the universes and their inhabitants, just feel free to ask! ^w^

You have been living peacefully in your universe, but there have been many strange happenings throughout your dimension. Strange tears in the fabric of your universe are randomly appearing, creating one-way portals to other universes. These portals are letting masses of unfamiliar creatures and beings through to your universe. Going through these portals have been proven to cause unpredictable transformations and mutations to occur, even causing you to switch species or develop the characteristics of another species. The Great Thool, a reality bending, mind controlling demon from the seventh dimension has been creating these rifts, and is set on conquering all of the universes.
Now, only one question remains.
What are you going to do about it?
Plot can be further
About Thools

Thools are basically kind of like a mind controlling dimension jumping demon. They look kind of like a black kabuto with tentacles, and when they latch onto your head, they gain control over you. This effect lasts even when the thool is detached from the head. Thool eggs are about the size of a basketball, as are thools when first hatched. Thools grow rapidly after hatching, growing as they devour pretty much anything in their way. Thools speak telepathically to anything in their range, and will sometimes assume that the first living being it sees is it's parent. This, however, does not mean that the thool will remain loyal to the organism, as thools have a tendency to attempt to eat/mind control any living creature smaller than it.
Each rper is allowed to pick 1 universe for their starting char to be in. Each starting char must be in a different dimension. Everybody needs to have selected a starting dimension before you are allowed to create a second character. First come, first served, but if you really, really want a certain starting universe, feel free to argue about it until you've decided who's char is from the starting universe first.
Starting characters
Extra characters
Age~ {At least 300}
Gender~ {Female}
Species~ {Alp/Dragon}
Abilities~ {Shapeshifting (into animals, insects, and mist), invisibility, entering dreams/minds, evil eye(through her right eye) and possession. She can also do some magic. Without her tarnkappe, she can only shapeshift into other animals/species and use magic, though shapeshifting is painful and non-instantaneous, unlike how transformations are with her tarnkappe.}
Personality~ {Quirky, intelligent, and, well, a bit random at times}
Appearance~ {A pale androgynous child with red hair and slightly pointed ears. Her hair is in a long ponytail with a strand of hair on each side of her head in front of her ears. She has large green eyes with cat-like pupils and she has pointed teeth. She always wears this tiny top hat (her tarnkappe). If she is without her tarnkappe for an elongated period of time, she starts to develop a crimson scaled tail tipped with a barb hidden under a bud of fur, and 2 pairs of horns, one short and pointed, and one long and curved, like a ram's. The short horns sprout from her forehead and the long ones sprout from around the sides of her head. She used to have wings, but they were cut off, and she still retains scars on her shoulder blades. Without her tarnkappe, her shoulder blades become encrusted with crimson scales. When these dragon-like features develop, she usually trims then off with shears.}
History~ {You don't get to know yet~}
Dimension~ {Delta}
Mutations/Transformations~ {She is a dragon alp, meaning that she was born a dragon/"human" hybrid, but became an alp after dying as a child. Her father was a human alp, meaning he was a human before he was an alp.}
Other~ {*calls dibs*}
unless someone posts a form for U3, you will have no competition for U3

Cynnamon's Sprites <3 CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen
feel free to post yer forms an junk 030
Character Name~ {-} Carmen Styx
Age~ {-} 19
Gender~ {-} Female
Species~ {-} Furry (Some sort of dog-bird hybrid?)
Abilities~ {-} None, other than her physical strength. (She lifts, bro.) She considers herself an adept parkour athlete, as well as dabbling a bit in martial arts.
Personality~ {-} She's quite outspoken, not afraid to say her mind, no matter how offensive it might be. She can be rather blunt, and when told that something is mean to someone, she simply replies with "Well, it's honest, isn't it?" or "Would you like me to tell you lies just to make you feel better?"
ENTHUSIASTIC FEMINIST. She never misses a chance to crack the whip on anyone who thinks that girls are incapable of doing certain things. Even though she's quite burly, she still loves to do girly things such as put on makeup and wear cute/pretty clothes, although most of what she wears is pretty "girl punk." (Hoodies, ripped pants/leggings, spiky accessories, etc.)
Appearance~ {-}

History~ {-} Nothing overly exciting except cracking the whip on "whiny piss lords" and athletic training and such. o3o
Dimension~ {-} Omega
Mutations/Transformations~ {-} None
Other~ {-} She's friends with a cat furry, who is bae. (And totally girly.)

Age~ {-} 16
Gender~ {-} Female
Species~ {-} Human
Abilities~ {-} Mystiokinesis. Pretty much reality warping. Here, I'm too lazy to explain.
She's also a telepath. She isn't too experienced with this at first, however she quickly masters it, tending to mix it with her reality warping, creating a dangerous combo.
Another power she later develops due to her telepathic powers is Clairvoyance, which branches into Premonition. Weirdly enough, Premonition, despite being a branch-off, is the first power she masters. (Yay...I'm making this op....again...dammit, Mattie, why do you have to sound so fricking OP?!)
Mattie has extreme difficulties with reality warping due to a certain accident from when she was a child, causing her to accidentally harm herself whenever she overuses it. However, she soon finds out about her telepathic powers, and almost completely relinquishes use of her reality warping. She easily develops Clairvoyance and Premonition, easily mastering Premonition. She is, hands down, more comfortable with her psychic powers than reality warping, and tends to use the former more.
Note that the linked pages are just examples of what she can do. She can't do ALL of the listed abilities. Nope nope nope, just a select few 030
Personality~ {-} Quick to anger, with a quiet demeanor. You really don't want to aggravate her.
Appearance~ {-} [I'm extremely lazy right now, and luckily since she's one of the two OCs I repeatedly use, here just quoting it.]
History~ {-} You ain't gonna know just yet! ;o
Dimension~ {-} Beta
Mutations/Transformations~ {-} None.
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

I think you may have forgotten that U3 is an all furrae world?
(This means that even the cubi and demons are furrs)
EDIT: Edited. Surprising how much the personality is a total reversal of my previous char. Even changed genders. XD

mythos are basically a species that isn't furr, but is varied that some clans don't look anything like the other
or maybe a demon variant? There's magic to hide wings an junk
I'mma just say that we can start and also make chars from other universes cus it's pretty obvious that prolly nobody else is gonna be joinin any time soon :p
EDIT: I have a really bad headace rn and I read your last post incorrectly, nevermind. XD