Forum Thread
🔹 Kety's Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → 🔹 Kety's DiaryTitle: Quick update
Happy Birthday PokéHeroes
Hi Diary! Today is PokéHeroes' 4th anniversary! This are all of the new updates: GTS update, speed click weekend, new anniversary gift, Mew plushie event and new forme-change item! I think that new forme-change item is gonna be for Keldeo. Here is the main post thread. Just like every year I will just get 1 Mew plushie and thats it. I hope one day I will get a shiny Mew for the event, but thats 42k DP and that is ALOT for me. Also I will join the SCE event because I need a Victini for my Unova-dex. That is it for today! Oh yes, and also this:
New Event Distribution - Hippopotain
The Fountain Pokémon
06th of July - 17th of July '17.
Goal : 2 Hippopotain egg
Work : 2 Done 0 to go.
Progress Owiwer
[4,000/4,000] ✓
[10,000/10,000] ✓
Eggs Reviced
[6/7/2017] [Hippowtain]
[17/7/2017] [Hippopotain]
Title: Important notice!
Edit: Uncle told me that on 11th July he will be working that whole day so me and grandma are goinng to be home alone. This means interacting for the event!!! But I still have tomorrow morning to do it soo I really don't know... Also on the 2nd day of the visit we are goinng to France couse he is running a marathon, but only that day and the rest we are goinng to be visiting places in London and he is gonna show us the house he is goinng to buy (cause the house he owns now is not his).
Title: Visit Diary~ Day 1/2
Hi Diary! This last two days were really hard. First day we were on an airplane what bringed us to England. It was two hours of just sitting there and looking through the window. Also the wind was like "Nope!", it was so windy that day. When we finaly arrived at the Heathrow the wating line was so long and it took us 24 min to get out of there. I forgot to say that the airplane was late 30 minutes! 30 minutes! And also we were waiting for the Heathrow to let us land. It was so bad.
Day 2
Guess where we were? In France! First we took a ship to there, and it was slow. Oh yes! We were in France because James (he lives with my uncle) was goinng to run a marathon. And when he comed back he was all muddy! He had to climb a hill and run thought a swamp! While he was running we visited a pizzeria. It's almost I don't wanna talk about it. The toilet was bad and smelly and the pizza was okay-ish. And the 2nd "eating place" was so fancy and nice. Also the food was amazing and the toilet was clean. It was good and all, but we almost missed the train what got us to Folkestone and then we just drove by car to the Sevenoaks (the city where my uncle lives).
Today it's Sunday and we don't have any plans. Now it's 12 am and they are in the garden.
Title: I'm back!
Second one. It's male and it's naive. I got it 50 solid eggs later.
12 min later...
Congratulations! A mega-able Snorunt hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #155)!
What?! Again male and mild nature. If it's gonna keep doinng this then I would like a female one too.
Yay! 2 mega-ables today and a shiny! Sucessful shiny hunt. Gonna shiny hunt is now again and hope to get a female mega-able or female shiny. So yeah. Wish me good luck!
Title: Shaymin is back
Shaymin stays until August 31st, 2017.
I bet many of you have been waiting for our special Summer Event: The legendary Pokémon, Shaymin, visits Emera Town for the whole summer and presents kind-hearted trainers very special gifts.
Shaymin likes seeing trainers interacting with as much Pokémon as possible. So take your berries, warm up your hands and get started! -Riako
A legendary Shaymin Egg, a Gracidea Flower (Forme-change item for Shaymin), a Shaymin Plushie (which has a 20% of being shiny) and a brandnew Event Pokémon Egg! The decision is up to you! -Riako
Finaly! Shaymin is back. I will be starting to interact on August 5th. Pretty much gonna be x2 days much from now. I will be using this forum for Sky Gift ecxhanges.
Sky Gift Hystory
Reviced Sky Gifts
Csoxi 1x- 1x![](
Kimie 1x- 6x![](
Liirah 1x- 5x![](
Kalach 1x-![](
Feena 1x- 14x![](
thatgirlygeek 1x- 11x![](
SkullTheMonferno 1x- 11x![](
thatgirlygeek 1x- 1x![](
Dracojax 1x- 1x![](
blaziken65 1x- 1x![](
Charzipopz98 1x- 1x![](
jyukaidan 1x- 6x![](
PokeyPlayer 1x- 2x![](
thatgirlygeek 1x- 8x![](
Kalach 1x- 1x![](
neon-izumi 1x- 8x![](
PandaBear129 3x- 1x
CreepyJoker 3x- 194x
CreepyJoker 3x- 240x
CreepyJoker 3x- 20x
CreepyJoker 3x- 1x
CreepyJoker 3x- 14x
CreepyJoker 3x- 1x
All from CreepyJoker
Csoxi 1x- 1x
Kimie 1x- 6x
Liirah 1x- 5x
Kalach 1x-
Feena 1x- 14x
thatgirlygeek 1x- 11x
SkullTheMonferno 1x- 11x
thatgirlygeek 1x- 1x
Dracojax 1x- 1x
blaziken65 1x- 1x
Charzipopz98 1x- 1x
jyukaidan 1x- 6x
PokeyPlayer 1x- 2x
thatgirlygeek 1x- 8x
Kalach 1x- 1x
neon-izumi 1x- 8x
PandaBear129 3x- 1x
CreepyJoker 3x- 194x
CreepyJoker 3x- 240x
CreepyJoker 3x- 20x
CreepyJoker 3x- 1x
CreepyJoker 3x- 14x
CreepyJoker 3x- 1x
All from CreepyJoker