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Favourite Eevee Evolution
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General Discussion → Favourite Eevee Evolution
Forum Posts: 931
Posted: Mon, 08/06/2015 03:43 (9 Years ago)
My favorite is Glaceon!!!
Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 08/06/2015 17:21 (9 Years ago)
Flareon, it looks so fluffy and I imagine it'd be nice to hug when
you're feeling down
At the bottom of the ocean
When there is nothing left to take away
When there is nothing more to add
When there is nothing but decay
Carry me away
Like driftwood to the sea - Carry Me Away, Annisokay
I Forgot To Remember To Forget.
Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 20:21 (9 Years ago)
My favourite Eeveelutions are Flareon and Glaceon, but I can't
choose which pokemon I like most ;)
Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 23:40 (9 Years ago)
hodor OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 8
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 01:36 (9 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 03:49 (9 Years ago)
Umbreon and Jolteon, most definitely.
Forum Posts: 316
Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 04:27 (9 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 07:42 (9 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 267
Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 16:23 (9 Years ago)
Vaporeon because i'm a water type trainer.
How mew will transform in 2020
Forum Posts: 519
Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 02:57 (9 Years ago)
Umbreon (Y)
Lats OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 12
Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 09:58 (9 Years ago)
my favourite is umbreon but i dont´know how get it in this page can
anyone help me please
-Ken- OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 38
Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 11:57 (9 Years ago)
Although I like fire and dark types, but in eeveelutions, leafeon
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 14:31 (9 Years ago)
Title: Fav Eveelution
My favorite is Glaceon because my favorite (abbreviated in title)
Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 15:32 (9 Years ago)
I have to go with Umbreon or Leafeon.
•Umbreon because it got me through HeartGold, Platinum and White 2.
I plan to use it again in my 2nd playthrough of White 2.
•Leafeon. My Leafeon (
the only one I actually had in my
team ), is a very strong backup Pokémon. Leafeon is an adorable
Pokémon. And it's very strong.
Despite it being my 2nd lowest
leveled team member
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Zeni21 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 19
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 16:21 (9 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 18:47 (9 Years ago)
Vaporeon and Umbreon (preferably shiny Umbreon)
Yulyan OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 20:34 (9 Years ago)
Glaceon and mabe Umbreon Shiny
tally OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 8
Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 20:48 (9 Years ago)
Title: ♥
Rowlet OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 40
Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 23:53 (9 Years ago)
I've always loved Umbreon. :)
Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 21/09/2015 07:07 (9 Years ago)
i thinkkkk, i will go with Espeon=D