Forum Thread
[L] JustMe's Weekly Raffle - FINISHED
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] JustMe's Weekly Raffle - FINISHEDNumber Of Gems I Am Entering: 5 gems
Other: Treasury
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Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Week Ten Results
Each person was given a series of numbers according to the number of tickets they bought, and the order of their first post:
Jeffreyj71 ---> 21 Tickets ---> #1 - #21
Viper---> 5 Tickets ---> #22 - #26
Pokehero87 ---> 15 tickets ---> #27 - #41
A total of 41 tickets were bought, so a random number between 1 and 41 was generated:

This means that this weeks winner is...
Congratulations! Your prize is on an Aipom in the GTS!
Important Announcement
I have completed my goal! That's right, thanks to all those gems you have been selling me, I was finally able to get both Moltres and Articuno from the gem collector. That means that I no longer need to buy gems, so I am ending my Weekly Raffles. Thanks for all your help, I couldn't have achieved my goal without it! c: