Shadowflight blinks, spotting Silverkit, she darts over to her and
calls, although has no idea where she is "Duskpool!" Very loudly.
She curls her tail around the kit and looks extremely wary and
(Recap: Wolves tore down the camp and some cats are rebuilding it,
Silverkit (me) just came in limp, other cats idk, they are fighting
off the wolves? And Raven they are in camp)
Duskpool ran in the camp and stared around for a second until she
spotted shadowflight near silver kit , she ran to then ... ( I
donno how she got hurt and/or how shes hurt...please tell me o3o)
(Ok so earlier the wolves were attacking the camp Silverkit was
walking towards a bush to get a better look at what's going on, the
bush was near the entrance, then a wolf came after her and was
bitingtaking her hind right leg I believe and it started to bleed,
so yeah...)
Silverkit knew she would have to wait for the medicine cat, but she
sensed she was near but she couldn't quite guess which direction.
Frostpaw huddled in the spot surrounded by trees. Gathering her
courage she glances at Winterpaw. "We should really go back...."
She creeps up near the calm and sniffs the air. She smells her
Clanmates. Frostpaw races forward into camp, dried blood covering
her, along with scars that will never fully heal. Her green eyes
are wide. "S-Shadowflight!"
"Frostpaw! Is that you?" Shadowflight darts over to her and purrs
softly "Are you ok?" Shadowflight licks the blood off her
apprentice's fur, gently "What HAPPENED to you!?"
Shadowflight blinks and looks at the ruined dens "I'll get on that.
Rest." Shadowflight grabs a large bramble and hauls it over a gap
in the apprentice den side