Frost gets up and walks to neil "it is not you. it is me. if i am 1
of the 2 who is going to die i want to be with you. my hero." Frost
smiles a little. Burn looks at tim "I am getting
energy.............." Burn faints.
Frost giggles "It maybe me or it maybe not. the Myth does not say
who. it only says "2 stars shall die and 2 new stars shall come and
shine. the new stars are ones who have saved or attacked the stars.
they shall rise past the EverSnow snake with the one who they
attacked or saved." and they is all it says from where i am from."
Frost looks shocked "Wait! i wont die because you saved me! Muffin
and burn woke die because muffin attacked burn! the myth is telling
us who they are with out us knowing at first! Mirror is one who
died because her memory wont come back! the last is unknown but
will soon be known!" Frost looks happy. Burn is eaten by the
EverFrost snake but Muffin runs up to it and gets eaten "You wont
die this time!" Muffin gets out of the EverFrost snake with Burn.
Frost looks at Neil "It was not. she lives a new life now. we maybe
cant get her old self back but it feels good to have her with us in
a way." Frost yawns. Muffin giggles "Dont think much of it."
Chill looks at Neil "Should i know you? i am a thing. no Gijinka. i
am a monster of man made from Articono its self!" Chill looks mad
with his feathers all over its body.
chill looks at Neil "You must mean the girl who i have in a cage
far under this planet. she crys the name Neil all the time.
strangely we both have the name chill." Chill keeps attacking neil.
Muffin helps Neil.
Chill stops attacking neil "i sold her to some one called Thunder
or some thing.' Chill flys off. the EverFrost snake keeps attacking
every thing but blizzard.
Frost wakes up and grabs neil and Ash and teleports them some where
else. muffin grbas Burn and tim and takes the to Mt.Lost In Time.
the other stars are eaten by the EverFrost snake.
Muffin looks at tim and crys "Looks like we are the only stars
left. we had to flee and i only could grab you and burn. Neil,Frost
and ash are safe .... i think." Muffin looks sad.