Frost wakes up and looks scared "We need dream herb!". Burn smiles
"I am just the one to have it. it will help but it is the last one
i have." Burn gives frost the Dream Herb. Frost smiles "I have
learned some thing and..........." Frost starts to glow "You need
help to get your powers. the only one here who got her powers alone
was Mirror but she met us later. i got my powers after worring so
hard they came to me. i need you guys to be with me ...........
even you neil. Burn got her powers after making a deal with Chill
to save Tim. tim you are her best friend. now i must help you get
your powers." Frost stops glowing and tim starts to glow.
Frost giggles "Well i do kind of owe you may life and i just find
you nice to be friends with.". Burn looks at Neil "We all have are
own minds i guess." Burn looks like she does not much care for neil
with them.
Burn looks at Neil "You are a nice guy and all but i am just not a
big fan of you so far." Burn gives tim some of her energy. Mirror
looks like she lost her memory "Who are you? where am i? why is it
so cold?". Frost looks shocked Mirror dont you remember any
thing?". Mirror looks around not knowing Frost is talking to her.
Burn looks at tim "More or less so less. she lost all her memory
and we are not shore when it will be back." Burn at neil "I just
dont like feeling higher then others thats all. you make me feel
like i am some one to be loved when i just want to be me. i am not
all that smart or brave. i can be foolish just for a friend. would
give up my life for tim,ash or frost. i faint a LOT. i am no true
hero........." Burn starts to cry. Frost looks at burn "Dont worry
over it. that is my job to worry." Frost giggles. Burn does not
look happy "leave me alone.....". Frost looks at neil "lets give
her some time alone with tim. they are the best of friends." Frost
gets up and grabs Neil's hand.
Frost smiles "Just give her time. she will warm up to you if you
dont make her feel higher then yourself. she likes to feel like
everyone else. if she never does then i will stick with you and
leave them because i care for you." Frost giggles. Burn still looks
sad "But what if some one tricks me? what then?" Burn looks weak.
Burn walks off "If i want everyone to be safe i feel as if i should
leave.........." ~But i am not shore if i should or not........."
Burn walks off. Frost looks up ~I wonder how long tell the myth is
true. it does say 2 stars shall fall once the everfrost snake has
come.........." Frost looks worried as she sits down. The EverFrost
snake goes to eat Blizzard.
The EverFrost snake looks sick and spits Blizzard out like she is
some thing deadlyer then the EverFrost snake its self. Frost looks
shocked "Well that is new!". Blizzard wakes up and looks mad and
starts to run after the EverFrost snake making look scared "You
little monster!!!!". Burn keeps walking "Dont worry over
me.............." Burn faints.
Burn looks hurt and her energy level goes down. Frost looks at neil
"well when awake she can stop powers from doing any thing to her so
that makes me wonder if she is like a poison to it......." Frost
lays down in the snow. a Blizzard starts and the other stars start
to wake up,
Burn wakes up "I guess my power is out of control........." Burn
grows weaker every time she talks. Frost looks at neil "I guess i
am a little worried over some thing. some times when i am worried
blizzards start......" Frost looks worried.
Frost looks at ash "I dont think he is. i just find him a good
friend to have and i have been hiding some stuff..........." Frost
starts to cry a little. Burn looks at tim as her energy keeps being
taken "Friends help friends even if one has to die to save the
other......." Burn runs to the EverFrost snake and trys to take
energy from it.