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Hidden in plain sight [invite only]

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Hidden in plain sight [invite only]
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:37 (10 Years ago)
A long time ago, people and pokemon lived in peace. Until one day a crazy group called Team Shade came, pokemon and people started disappearing, and gijnkas started to appear. Are you a human, a pokemon, or a gijnka? More importantly, Who's side are you on?

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RP Name:
Species: [human, a pokemon, or a gijnka?]:
Team Of Pokemon [Human only]:
Good or Evil?:

My Form:
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RP Name:
Crystal McNugget [don't judge meh name lol]
Species: [human, a pokemon, or a gijnka?]:
Pigeot Gijnka

She was captures By Team Shade as a young child [age: 6]. Her only pokemon was you pigeot. She was fused with it, by age 8, and now lives her life soaring over the lands doing whatever she can to stop team Shade. [now age 12]
Team Of Pokemon [Human only]:
Good or Evil?:
Kind-hearted, loyal, sarcastic, funny, playful

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:44 (10 Years ago)

Username: SensGirl25
RP Name: Arrowhead or Arrow (short form of Arrow)
Species: [human, a pokemon, or a gijnka?]: Gijinka
Gender: Female
History: Arrow is the sister of Bullet, she is an expert in looking for items such as Old Amber and Water Stone, she is in charge of the Stone Emporium but when she sees an enemy she gets serious and shows her true nature.
Team Of Pokemon [Human only]: no team
Good or Evil?: Good
Personality: Tough, sweet, and smart
Other?: :3

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:45 (10 Years ago)
[accepted wait for one more or start?]


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:54 (10 Years ago)
Let's start the RP please

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:56 (10 Years ago)
[ok then ^-^ Great!]

Crystal flew over Lumiose City circling around prism tower twice before landing by the stone Emporium. "Hmm... No sign Of Team Shade yet," Crystal mumbled. "But I know this is there next stop...".


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:58 (10 Years ago)
Arrow looking around at the her store the Stone Emporium, looking at her latest find an Old Amber, she puts up a sign saying No Team Shade members allowed.

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:00 (10 Years ago)
Crystal sees the sign. "eh, she must know about team shade," Crystal mumbled, as she walked in the store," hello," she said eyeing Arrow.

[I gtg for now. I'll be back later. Bye]


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:05 (10 Years ago)
Arrow turned around and saw a Pidgeot gijinka, surprised Arrow introduced herself, "Hello, I see you arrived to the Stone Emporium, the name's Arrowhead but you can call me Arrow", and Arrow grabbed a Sun Stone and cleaned it. Then Arrow continued, "I am the sister of Bullet who is unable to meet with you right now", Arrow asked, "Why are you here at the Stone Emporium?".

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:19 (10 Years ago)
Username: XxToothlessXx
RP Name: Sparky
Species: [human, a pokemon, or a gijnka?]: Pikachu Gijinka
Gender: Male
History: He used to be a normal Pikachu, until scientists captured him and mutated him.
Team Of Pokemon [Human only]: No team.
Good or Evil?: Good.
Personality: He is very nice and kind. He can get scared easily, but he will become brave if his friends are in danger. He is willing to sacrifice himself for his friends.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 539
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:40 (10 Years ago)
Username: BlueAbsol
RP Name: Anubis AngelSlayer
Species: [human, a pokemon, or a gijnka?]: gijnka
Gender: Male
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And wings :P

History: he was stonlen by team shade when he was 4, being fused with a very rare type of pokemon, an Eternal Mega Absol. Because of the fact of being fused with an Eternal Pokemon, he has the Knowledge. So he knows anything that can be learned, plus the meaning of life.
Team Of Pokemon [Human only]: none
Good or Evil?: Hard to tell. Because he has the Knowledge, he considers ginsengul almost crazy and very weird, so he appears to help team shade from behind but destroying many of their plans secretly.
Personality: lonely and self-hater

Quote"Everyone has their own little internal world - a secret garden only they can enter. Each world follows its own internal logic - individuality. And the logic of one world means nothing in another. Understanding other people isn't hard... It's impossible."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:46 (10 Years ago)
[all accepted]

Crystal Looked at arrow. "I saw your sign out front, and I was wondering if you knew anything about Team Shades where abouts?" Crystal asked.


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:49 (10 Years ago)
Arrow answered seriously, "Yes I do but I can't guarantee you because there are other gijinkas who probably know where they are, as for me the last known whereabouts of Team Shades appeared in the Café unfortunately I don't know the name of it".

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:50 (10 Years ago)
"ah I see," Crystal said looking up towards the sky. "I'm going to go search for them, are you coming?" Crystal said staring at Arrow


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:53 (10 Years ago)
Arrow with a slight smile said, "I'm afraid I can't because my sister Bullet who is a Ledian gijinka told me to keep an eye on the Emporium but I think I saw a gijinka who is blonde and wears a yellow sweater maybe you can this fellow if you want".

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 539
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 20:56 (10 Years ago)
*a somewhat evil and dark whispered voive says*
"Hello. I can read in your hearts that you two are against the Shades. I would like to introduce myself. I am Anubis but you van call me Zane." *tells the story of His life*
"If you are fused with a Mega Absol, shouldn't you have Wings?" Asked the other two
*shows His Majestic white Wings, 5 meters wide*

Quote"Everyone has their own little internal world - a secret garden only they can enter. Each world follows its own internal logic - individuality. And the logic of one world means nothing in another. Understanding other people isn't hard... It's impossible."
Trainerlevel: 111

Forum Posts: 1,900
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 22:56 (10 Years ago)
Username: CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.
RP Name: Matthew.
Species: [human, a pokemon, or a gijnka?]: Gijinka.
Gender: Male.
Appearance: <<< Made by me.
History: To be RPed.
Team Of Pokemon [Human only]: No team.
Good or Evil?: Good.
Personality: Cocky, arrogant, but still nice all in all.
Other?: .3.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 23:14 (10 Years ago)

"Woah," Crystal said to Anubis," Those make my wings look dull,".


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 23:16 (10 Years ago)
Sparky saw some other gijinkas in Lumiouse City. He ran over to them.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 1,827
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 23:20 (10 Years ago)
Crystal spotted Sparky," Well I guess we are starting a party here now TURN DOWN 4 WAT? Well I've gotta be on my way so.... " Crystal said cut off by a bunch of Team shade members running into the store. One grinned," So we meet again, bird brain," He chuckled right at crystal. "Stay back" She said.


⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these assets!

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 567
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 23:22 (10 Years ago)
Username: moonwarriorcat
RP Name: dark
Species: [human, a pokemon, or a gijnka?]: ( is shape shifting alowed ? If not I will change this ) shes a gijnka but can take the form of a regular charzard x / a shiny charzard
Gender: female
Appearance: or as a mega charzard x gijnka ( or a regular shiny charzard / charzard x )
History: she had an amazing bond with her starter , a shiny charmander whom became a shiny charzard , and one day an freak accident occurred, dark ( as a human ) was dieing and her shiny charzard saved her by useing a misterious power invoveing mega evolution to combine their souls and body's into one ... It saved her life but many people became afraid of her and called her a " freak " ... Ask her more if you wish
Team Of Pokemon [Human only]:
Good or Evil?: neather / unknown
Personality: keeps to herself and can seem dark at times , but once you get to know her she is kind , caring and has undouptable loaliy .

* edit !!* please accept now if it's ok ...