"Let go of me, you dolt!" I need my gun and my turret!" Shadow
yelled at Gale, kicking him in the back to get a jump-off towards
the tree he slept in.
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
"good thing i always carry pieces of wood with me" gale said as the
piece of wood,shadow kicked when gale jumped out,came back to
him."kid's and there're guns these days" gale thought *sigh*.
"Hey, I need this gun, besides, It can kill you just as easily as
what any Raider from Kin can." Shadow said with a pissed voice, and
he grabbed the turret and the stand of it changed shape and made it
to where it sat on Shadow's shoulder and was set to Autofire on
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
"did you read my mind or did you make a silly guess cause i never
said it out loud,also dont think a gun will help that much...at
all" gale said.Then he got to the tent and began bringing it down
and gearing up also.
(Shadow has advanced hearing, so he can hear mutters and he
understands why people sigh.)
Shadow ignored Gale and he walked away from camp towards a small
factory, and he looked through the window and broke more of it with
the butt of the gun and he dived through the window, doing a roll
and getting to his feet. He scanned his surroundings, and found
some food, water bottles, and about 29 .45 ACP rounds. He picked it
all up, putting the Ammo in the side pocket and he continued to
look around, seeing a Combat knife and Sabre.
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
Morg' sighed. She was in serious trouble. Stuck in a tree and
surrounded by Zombies. Noticing a building, Morg' leapt out of the
tree and then ran as fast as she could. Two Zombies spotted her,
and layed pursuit. She swore. The building looked like an apartment
and she headbutted the door down. No stairs. Great. Morg' was
Kenny heard swearing. "Guys, I gotta go!" Kenny said, running
towards Morg'. "Zombie apocalypse, things are getting worse.
Specially since they reproduce every death." Kenny thought,
eventually reaching the building Morg' was in.
Gale jumped in with kenny "never leave on a fight without me,its no
fun if i get left behind" gale said and kicked a zombie's head off
as he threw 5 shurikens.
(Shadow is actually in a factory. With a couple melee weapons.)
Shadow put the two sharp weapons in his makeshift sheath and he
continued out of the building, and he ran to where he saw Kenny
pass by earlier. When he made it to Kenny, he saw a new person with
them, "Who is this?" Shadow asked looking at Morg'
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
(Sweet, The Pack is on! (That's what I like to call us))
"She's a fellow survivor, and her name is Morgana, we need to go
and find Luke, then, we'll continue going up north." Kenny said,
looking around.
"Okay! And Hey, i Got some weapons I found. Just a knife and Sabre
but it's better than nothing." Shadow said putting his rifle over
his shoulder, keeping the Turret active in case Morgana made a
move. He got out the two weapons from the sheaths and laid them on
the floor, and Shadow set the water bottles he found next to that.
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy