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Diary of a Long-eared Ring Weilder

Forum-Index Diaries Diary of a Long-eared Ring Weilder
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Sat, 30/11/2013 02:35 (10 Years ago)
Welcome to my memoir. Here I'll be pretty much writing entries about my Pokeheroes life. Enjoy.

11/29/13, 6:24PM.
Today counts my fourth (or fifth?) day on Pokeheroes. So far I'm just loving it, especially the nice community, the Pokémon (the sixth gen Pokémon sprites look very good in my opinion), and how the roleplay forum isn't bombarded with Warriors RPs. That type of epidemic is just crazy in other sites I've been to (Chicken Smoothie especially), so it's nice to have a breather. I'm still getting used to not searching above the text box for a font color selection and a [center] button. xD Right now I am trying to save up on Pokédollars so I can by an Explorer's bag for my Quilava, Amberlin (she's my starter if you're wondering.

And I also want to get every base evolution of every Pokémon in the Pokedex (by base evolution I mean like how Chimchar is the basic Pokémon in the Infernape line, like that). So far I have seven (I'm making progress at least, right? x3) base Pokémon in my pokedex as of now until more of my eggs hatch.

Apart from happenings on Pokeheroes, I just got to playing Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm loving it, but I find the third act of the Marble Zone hard to get through without losing lots of lives. Hopefully I'll be able to get skilled enough to where I can at least pass it.

I guess this is it now.
-end of entry one-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2013 02:26 (10 Years ago)
11/30/13, 6:00PM
Today, I am trying to currently reach 300 interactions for the first day of the Advent Calandar, and I think I'm doing pretty good since I'm only over a third of the way there. I finally managed to get past the Marble Zone on Sonic the Hedgehog, but now I'm stuck on the first act of the Labyrinth Zone. It never stops does it? I wonder why Sega ever decided to add not just an all water act, but an all water zone. Because I swear, if an expert player were to watch me play, they'd be cringing at how much I'm failing. xD

Early this morning (or maybe before that, I'm not too sure) I made a forum game thread that I ripped off from another site that was ripped off from another site. xD And I'm surprised how fast it got posted on. I was expecting it to be like CS where it would take like ten bumps just to get your thread noticed. That's probably because Pokéhereoes has WAY less members than CS (they have like over 300,000 members. Holy flip). And probably because it doesn't have as bad of traffic (those reasons probably make no sense but whatever).

In my game of Pokémon X (random transitions FTW), I'm thinking about replacing my Staraptor with a Salamence, but I'm not too sure. I'm trying to make a team that both specially offensive and physically offensive. I have a Lucario (that mega evolves), an Absol (that also mega evolves), a Shiny Granbull, a Roserade, a Delphox, and either a Staraptor or Salamence (which I stated previously). I'm also trying to get every TM since there are some moves I want some of my Pokémon to learn (like Swords Dance and Sunny Day) But I'm apparently having some trouble with that. x_x

Onto other news, my mom just bought me a casedilla from a Mexican restaurant. It's so big I think I won't be able to eat the thing. I'm just going to wait for it to cool down (i'm not very tolerant of hot/spicy foods) then I'll start chomping away at it.

Well, I pretty much have nothing else to say, so I'll just end it here.
-end of entry two-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Mon, 02/12/2013 05:59 (10 Years ago)
12/1/13, 7:47PM

Dear Memoir,
I finally managed to get through the first act of the Labyrinth Zone. But now I'm stuck on the third act. I bet the boss fight with Eggman is going to be a pain. I swear, if I have to fight him underwater I'll fluffing rage so hard. I wonder if the Icecap Zone is next. If it is, I hope it isn't as bad with the ice physics.

Today I built up enough courage to quit CS. I gave away most of my pets to people for free and when the pound closes, I'll donate the leftovers. I never thought I would have to quit the site I love so much (not that I don't love Pokeheroes either). Especially when I've been on there for over a year and a half.

It's only eight days until my birthday comes and I still don't know what I want. I know I'm definitely getting Sonic Lost World, that's for sure. Maybe I'll also get other stuff. I'm still making up my mind. That's always happened to me for the past three years of birthdays. >_>

My mother got back from the grocery store a few hours ago. She's currently making some Chinese stir fry for dinner. I love my mother's homemade food. It tastes so good (since when did homemade food not taste good?). And what do you know, she just brought it over. It also has Chinese noodles and Won-Tons (how is that even spelled?). The only thing I don't like about it is how the Won-Tons were filled to the brim with cabbage (I'm a very picky eater), so I asked my mom for just plain ones. They kind of taste like burnt toast.

While we were having dinner, one of my older brothers came by and visited (he comes by to visit us a lot). And as always he teases me and calls me names and acts like he's bipolar (sometimes I think he is bipolar >_>). I know he's just joking with me most of the time, it's just that I don't know when he's joking or telling the truth since he lies a lot.

On Pokéheroes, I'm trying to complete the task for the second day of the advent calendar. I think my eggs will hatch in time since they were close to hatching before that. I wonder what the prize will be? I can't wait to find out! >u<

-end of entry three-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Tue, 03/12/2013 12:31 (10 Years ago)
12/3/13, 3:42PM.

Dear Memoir,
Here goes to rewriting this entry all over again. I had three behemoth sized paragraphs, but I accidently closed the tab when I was getting off the computer to go to bed. I knew something like that was going to happen. I swear, I have the worst of luck. Especially with stuff like homework or essays.

During the first day back to school, we pretty much had the same schedule and same old stuff as any other day. At P.E., I couldn't even do any of the activities because I was wearing high heeled boots. And throughout the whole school day, the right boot kept scraping at my right heel, so now I have a little scrape there (how wonderful).

Intervention class was slightly better, though. All we did was learn how to get unit rates from tables and the ways to find them. I'm really bad at math, so it took a little time for me to understand how to do it. Language Arts was okay too. My teacher was funny and sarcastic like he always is. Everybody at the school loves him because he's so funny and he makes our work much more understandable, but at a cost. During break, all I did was pretty much walk around the school with an acquaintance of mine. We pretty much just talked about stuff like what we did during thanksgiving break and things like that. I could talk about math class and about the cat on campus, but this paragraph is already a behemoth, so I will save it for another time.

My progress on Sonic the hedgehog is doing quite well in my opinion. I managed to finally get through the Labyrinth Zone and the Star Light zone, but I'm now stuck (once again) and the first act of the Scrap Brain Zone. When I first saw that zone name, I though there was going to be blood and zombies all over the place (XD), but thankfully there's only FLUFFING SAW BLADES ON THE GROUND AND FUDGING GRATERS COMING OUT OF THE WALLS. When I got hit by that saw blade, I had like 80 rings and I almost had an extra life. I felt so defeated inside. x_x

I never knew the third task of the advent calendar was going to be so simple. I find the prize to be good too, since I want as many kinds of items as I can get. Curse you Pokémon Mystery dungeon for making me an item hoarder (shakes fist)! I've always done that on games like PMD, Final Fantasy, and the like. Now I'm starting to veer off-topic due to being sidetracked.

My mother kept bossing me about my homework while I was home. She is just so annoying sometimes. She said she would help me but when I showed her how to do it she didn't even get it and decided not to help (>_>). So I had to pretty much do it on my own. Not that I'm having trouble with it, though. It's actually pretty simple, I'm just a lazy butt (X3).

I just noticed what with each entry in my memoir, I write more and more things despite the fact that I have the most boring and bland life ever (like seriously). Maybe it's just because I feel motivated due to the fact that I'm listening to some Electro House music at the moment. I love stuff like Dubstep, DnB, Electro, and Glitch Hop. It's pretty much all I ever listen to. I used to listen to other stuff like Rock, Pop, and Jazz (I still do occasionally). But those four are mainly what I listen to nowadays.

-end of entry four-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Thu, 05/12/2013 10:37 (10 Years ago)
12/5/13, 2:11PM.

Dear Memoir,
Whoopsies, it turns out that I skipped a day to write an entry (since it's now the fifth where I live), so I have tons to type. I always end up doing that. I'm such a procrastinator, it's unhealthy. How do I even have C's, B's and A's in all my classes? It's one of the many of the world's mysteries. xD

School today gives me mixed feeling about it. I don't know whether to say that today was a good or bad day. It would be a half-bad day because the scrape on my heel got worse and the people in another class changed the background on my Google Chromebook (luckily I was able to change it quickly). And it was a half-good day because some of my acquaintances offered me food and a nice conversation. A lot of people also complimented me on my boots as well.

I finally managed to beat Sonic the Hedgehog today. When I beat it, I felt so proud of myself (wow, self. You are lame). Now I'm starting Sonic 2 and I find it much easier, especially with Tails to accompany you. He is so useful at times, especially during boss fights because he can sneak in an extra hit after you hit Eggman yourself. Plus he can somehow teleport and you don't get a game over when you leave him behind (poor Tails. xD). He's like Yoshi in a sense if you think about it.

Everybody at my school gets weirded out by the music I listen to. I find it hilarious just how when I put on some Dubstep or Glitch hop or something like that they get all freaked out and tell me to stop playing it. A lot of people at my school listen to stuff like Country and Screamo, which I don't have anything against them for listening to that kind of music (I'm perfectly okay with it).

I didn't get a chance to get on Pokeheroes today because I feel asleep when I got home and waked up at eight o'clock. I've been doing that for the past week, and it's not very good for school since I always end up falling asleep in math class (math class is boring anyway). I really need to stay up until at least seven thirty in order to get my sleeping schedule back to normal.

-end of entry five-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Sat, 07/12/2013 00:36 (10 Years ago)
12/6/13, 3:31PM.

Dear Memoir,
I just back from school an hour ago. It was so bad despite that today is a Friday. People just kept bullying me and calling me names and stuff. I don't really take it to heart, but really, that's not a very nice thing to have to go through on a Friday. Well, at least I'm home now. That's what matters the most. Now I can listen to the music I love and play the videogames I enjoy with all my heart.

Speaking of school, I donated all of the money my mother gave me to a fund my school is doing to get some Christmas presents for some kids. They had their house burnt down and all their animals and belongings were burnt up from the fire, but fortunately the kids didn't get harmed. And the mother wasn't there because she was having surgery while it happened. A lot of people at the school donated a lot of money, so they'll get bunches of stuff for Christmas. That's for absolutely sure.

My progress in STH 2 (Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for short) is actually going pretty smoothly. I on the Oil Ocean Zone as of now and I actually find it a bit difficult with the oil slides and the attacking seahorses. At least the oil is different from lava and water. You can actually jump off of it with out immediately dying the second you get in it. It acts a lot like quicksand. I fought the boss once, but then I had to restart because I started to lose tons of lives. Rings included as well.

Wow, I've pretty much ran out of things to write about in just three paragraphs. I guess that's what you get when you have an extremely boring and uneventful life like mine. There's barely anything to talk about. And plus, I'm really tired. So I think that I'll just make this a rather small entry and end it here until tomorrow when I have to write even more entries for this ongoing memoir.

-end of entry six-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 18:04 (10 Years ago)
12/8/13, 9:09AM.

Dear Memoir,
Oh snap, I forgot to write an entry for Yesterday! Oh well, I can't really change that can I? I'll just write about the things that are happening today. Hopefully this will cover up for it. It probably won't though.

Oh great, I have to take a bath in a few hours. I hate baths so much. I don't like how my skin feels when it's wet and it makes my skin crawl. My mother makes me take a bath every three days, which freakin' sucks. It used to be once every Sunday. What the heck mom? I can't possibly be dirty that fast, or are you just crazy in the head?

I also have to go shopping in another town as well in a few hours. That's another thing I hate too. I swear, shopping is such a pain when I have to do it with my mother. We would be trying to get to one isle and my mother would stop at five isles betwixt. And as a result, shopping with her takes forever. Half of the times she just tells me to shut up even when I'm not saying anything. I bet today is going to be just wonderful.

Onto brighter news, I might be getting Sonic Lost World, a Fennekin plushie, and a folder for my birthday (I'm usually really frugal about the things I want). Altogether they cost about over $80.00, which slightly bothers me since to me that seems to be quite a chunk of money to spend on presents. Then again the plushie and the folder are rare special edition items from Japan only. Why is it that Japan gets all the cool stuff while the U.S. Doesn't? It kinda sucks, but oh well. At least I can get them from a wonderful thing called the internet!

I have this idea for a fanfiction, but I'm scared of writing because I'm afraid people are going to blow up in my face about it. It's a combination of Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon, Sonic the Hedgehog, and a bit of Final Fantasy VII. I have the plot, characters, title, and happenings all planned out in my head. All I have to do is write down on paper or a web document. But I always end up thinking "What if this is a bad idea?", or "What if this just sounds really stupid?". I have really low self-esteem and I'm a pessimist, so that's probably why I think those things. Maybe in a later entry I'll talk about it some more, but I bet you're getting tired of me rambling on about this. So I'll just end this entry.

-end of entry seven-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Tue, 10/12/2013 05:11 (10 Years ago)
12/9/13, 6:34PM

Dear Memoir,
Today happens to be my birthday! I got a lot of nice presents like a pair of earrings, a necklace, a box of chocolate truffles, and much more. A lot of people at my school wished me a happy birthday and stuff. It wasn't really that eventful, though. I had a little party, some cake, etc. It turns out I won't be getting Sonic Lost World until tomorrow. Which I'm okay with as long as I actually get the present. I'm also going to get picked up early from school tomorrow to go to Applebee's, which is one of my favorite restaurants.

Thanks to the Nintendo Eshop on my 3DS being a butt, I can't even get it to load all the way. This has been happening for two days straight. And when it does work it gets disconnected when I try to search for something. My 3DS just fluffing hates me right now, I swear.

This relaxing music that I'm listening to is really calming me down a lot. It's also doing a really good job of clearing out all the bothersome thoughts that have been floating around in my head lately. It's a two and a half hour instrumental vocal-less mix. Which I'm perfectly fine with since most of the music I usually listen to has little to no vocals at all. I'll probably put up the link another time since I feel really lazy as of now.

It turns out that my dog is shedding really bad. My room was just covered to the brim with dog hair. My clothes, my carpet, everything. I was able to help my mother clean it up, though. I really need to brush her out and comb her. I bet that's going to take a long time since she's a really fluffy dog with really big fur. Good luck to me, I guess. >_>

-end of entry eight-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 05:19 (10 Years ago)
12/12/13, 8:52PM.

Dear Memoir,
School today was just awful. First of all, this one girl stuffed other people's project supplies into my backpack while I was trying to get away from her. I don't see why anyone at my school even likes her. She's such a jerk and she makes everything I say sound dirty or racist, no matter what it is. Plus she pokes me, punches me, kicks me, and insults me and talks bad about me behind my back. Which is making pretty much everyone hate my guts.

It turns out I won't be getting Sonic Lost World today either. Oh well, I guess you can't have everything you want. It was supposed to be in my possession by my birthday, but I understand since my mother has bills and food to pay for and stuff. Besides, It's not really not that important, and I can pretty much wait forever.

Is it just me, or am I the only person who thinks videogame songs with vocals are absolutely amazing? Get it? absolutely (cues crickets)? Not that videogame music without is bad, I just find them just godly. Especially in games that commonly have them like the Sonic, Final Fantasy, and Crash Bandicoot franchises (especially Crash Twinsanity. That game's soundtrack is just gold). They just feel so wonderful to listen to, and they really set the mood unlike vocalized songs from non-videogame sources; I don't know why.

Other than all the stuff listed here, I've pretty much ran out of things tot talk about. That always happens to me, especially when I only have myself to talk to. I guess that's what you get when you're an antisocial person like me. You pretty much have no one to talk to. So I guess I'll end this entry right here.

-End of Entry Nine-

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Sun, 15/12/2013 04:09 (10 Years ago)
12/14/13, 7:13PM.

Dear Memoir,
Finally, it's Saturday! My favorite day of the week. Since it's the weekend, I didn't really do that much today other than sit in bed and play on my computer and 3DS. But since I promised to write entries into this memoir once every few days, I might as well write something anyway.

Earlier today my stepdad brought over a Christmas tree from my aunt's front yard (with their permission of course). It's so big it almost touches the ceiling just barely. It's one of those Victorian style Christmas trees that aren't covered in branches. I can't really describe it that well, but it's something different from what we usually put up every year. We haven't put on ornaments yet, but we're planning on doing so (what's a Christmas tree without ornaments, anyway?).

I think my progress in egg hatching is going pretty well. So far I have 35 baby Pokémon evolutions in my Pokedex. I know that isn't a lot, but it's better than nothing at least. I was quite lucky when it came to getting hard and rare rarity leveled eggs. Knowing my luck, it'll probably be nothing but easy and medium level rarity eggs until I get another luck spike. Because I swear, I have the worst luck ever.

I feel so stupid right now. While I was playing Phantom Hourglass, I was trying to draw the Triforce on the red door in the second part of the Temple of the Ocean King. I thought it was the Triforce because when I was looking up what the crest was, there was a link about drawing the Triforce in one shot. As a result, I thought that you were supposed to draw it on the red door (it didn't say specifically when it was supposed to be used. Only that it taught you how to draw it in one stroke). So I spent almost a half hour drawing it on the door to no avail. When I discovered that it was just an hourglass shape, I felt so stupid. I almost wanted to facepalm myself. X3

-End of Entry Ten-