Slash crys "Why does no one like me? i know i am strange but why do
they call me a monster? i-i-i am scared............." Slash's eyes
turn normal and she looks at Ameno "W-what happened? did my
feelings take over? i am sorry if they did. i just lock them up to
keep my self safe from saddness and worry........ Sagiri never do
what i do. you are usefull in every way and never think you are not
ok." Slash looks calm.
Auraora slowly looked around after her collar let her,she seen a
grunt going up to a phone and heard "We need help,The Legendary
fusion has escaped!" then a few screams in a other room.
"Yes your a ghost so let's see you handle these"Tim throws six
pokeballs containing a Gengar, Bannet, Dusknoir, Chandelure,
Golurk, and Rotom"Attack!!!"
Slash looks at them "I think i need ..................... to
................. show my feelings once more. it maybe hard but it
would be easyer then right now. i would do it just to be at my full
power!" Slash crys a little.
Auraora suddenly seen a huge Groudon fusion crash through a door as
it passed by crashing other things. "This is why you don't make a
legendary fusion..."Auraora though slowly starring at it go by.
Auraora suddenly fires a ice beam as it breaks the muzzle freezing
a part of the ground as she keeps firing a ice beam since grunts
where trying to hit her collar.
The sableye part of Slash makes her Mega evolve. now she has
Crystal back things and a group of rocks floting near her. Slash
smiles as she jumps out of the ground "It is fun time now!" Slash
attacks using the rocks.
(Guys? do you mind if everyone was captured?)
Auraora fell to the floor as she slid around the ice. "Oh come
on!"Auraora said before being knocked out by something as she was