Kayoko fell to the ground she couldn't reach her crutches, Then her
pokemon got mad and they attacked Slash and mega Slash. Greninja
used hydropump and absol used Darkpulse.
Slash stop attacking Kayoko "Sorry but i got mad. next time you see
me try to keep a Pokemon in a cage do not set it free. i am not
that evil." Slash looks ma. Mega Slast attacks every one. Bloom
helps Kayoko up "I hope i can help." Bloom smiles.
Bloom stops Mega slash from hitting Kayoko any more "Hit me not
her!" Bloom looks mad "This is Braking news! a Evil team and a Mad
Pokemon! come if you want to help save some Pokemon that did
nothing to get this way!" Bloom smiles. Slash fights Mega Slash
"Fight me! not them!" Mega Slash giggles "Oh sister. you will never
Bloom stops "In a way you are right. this is not my fight." Bloom
sits down. Slash is throw in to a wall "Ha ha! Sister you wont win!
evil will rule good will fall!" Mega Slash looks evil. Slash grabs
a cage and puts Mega Slash in it. Slash giggles "Not this time
Sister." Slash takes a deep breth and relaxes.
Kayoko had set free almost all the pokemon she then replied "Tim..
i'm sorry, i'm thinking of the pokemon." she setted free the last
cage then said to the pokemon "Go!!"
"That's it time to test this experiment" Tim holds out an odd Mega
"Our scientist may have not tested this yet but we made Raichuite
and an invention to make me pikachu once more" Tim Grins insanely
"if the experiment fails it could be fatal but I'll risk it