Draco ran through the crowd dodging all their tacks like they he
didn't even tried. He jumped in the middle of the crowd and he
clenched his fist. Suddenly he hears a song in his head "This song
is right...I need to believe and let it go..." This is what he is hearing
Draco jumped on one and smashed it into the ground so he could
launch himself in the air. Draco rapidly fired his bullets killing
a few of them. Then he grabbed his sword and slammed it down the
air sending them back. Draco then spun in a circle killing the ones
around him.
Name: Tachyon
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Crush: None
History: (Hmm, I don't quite know what to put here...)
Other: Likes cookies.
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
(Could i please be a robot wolf?)
Name: Dagger
Age: Unknown.
Gender: Male
Crush: None.
History: His whole kind was wiped out, except for him. A human
robot took him in when he was lost, but he still doesn't trust
humans that much.