"Cool!"Auraora said slowly jumping out of the box as Cezor grabbed
her. "This is annoying..."Cezor slowly mubled as he remember to
kept Auraora by him at all times.
"*talks in low voice* but...the problem is that people or creatures
just get scared of me and run away they call me "teethy"
or "ugly tongue monster" i always run away after that"
"What is it?"Cezor says slowly looking areound before hearing a low
growl "What is that?"Auraora says confused but scaried hoping it
wasn't a evil creature.
"Why do you need to know? Where all creatures like you"Cezor said
hiding Auraora kinda good before a loud cry could be ehard as well
as more growling as more creatures came.
Auraora covers her eeys as Cezor protects her as crestures start to
walk up growling. "Why are you here on are turf?"A small mutated
griffin says slowly grinning angreyed.
"How can that scare all of them?"Cezor said before seening a huge
up ontop of a building as it jumped down about to attack. "OH COME
ON" Auraora though throwing a rock at it.
Apperance:A short boy,wears a watch,nice clothes and shoes and
small bag
Human Or Creature:Human
History:To be told sooner or later
Tara walked through the door, hearing it click locked
behind her. She began up the countless stairs towards the top of
the radio tower. Her headset buzzed a low hum in her ear, warning
her that she could have to react at any moment. The girl finally
reached the top of the tower and she flopped down onto an old chair
in front of the control panel. She was tired and she just wanted to
pass out. It had been a long day, having saved three people and
getting no sleep the night before. She stood up again, walking over
to her pillow and blanket that were neatly placed on the floor. She
flattened out the blanket and went back to her chair which was also
her bed. She placed the pillow on her chair so it at least had some
cushion, and flopped back into it. A small sigh escaped her lips
and she covered herself with the blanket. She pulled her legs up so
her whole body was crunched up on top of the chair and clicked a
small button on her headset, allowing her to move it off her ears
so the noise wouldn't keep her up all night but it would still go
off if someone was calling for help.
Tara's eyes began to close on their own, her eyelids
drooping. Her long day hit her like a truck and there was no going
back. As she drifted slowly off, she hummed the song her father
used to sing to her as a child. It was the only thing that could
get her to sleep, even if she was beyond tired like at this point.
She almost instantly passed out, her legs drooping from the chair
and her hair a mess. She began to dream, dreaming of a better
place. A world under her imagination, where everything was fine and
people never died. A place where she could fly a plane through a
waterfall and see all the little droplets of water around her as if
in slow motion. Her dreams often consisted of this place, and she
loved it. She hoped to one day make her dream world a reality,
although with the recent outbreak of killer creatures, she didn't
even think a world where people were safe was possible. And yet she
still tried her hardest to keep everyone safe.
Second form for the boy Tara is about to rescue and keep
"The eyes are useless, when the mind is blind."
Username: Bear
Name: Andy James Cobalt
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Appearance: Andy is about 4' 6" and is very scrawny. He has barely any
muscle on his entire body and his rib cage easily shows through his
tattered t-shirt due to his low food supply. He has shaggy blonde
hair that just grazes the middle of his neck. His eyes are a
blueish color although they have a slight emptiness to them. He is
pale, and his cheeks and nose are usually a bright pink/red which
stands out quite dominantly on his face. His wrist is quite damaged
from having his dogs leash wrapped around it. His clothes are all
tattered and dirty from traveling.
Human Or Creature: Human
History: Andy was born blind. He never really felt weird or upset about
it though, since all he knew was darkness. When he learned to walk,
his parents bought him a young dog to guide him. Andy quickly grew
a strong bond with the dog and named him Newt, since it was the
only word he was able to say. Andy was home schooled for
kindergarten since his parents thought he wouldn't make it in a
public school. Well before the apocalypse started, his parents went
on vacation, leaving him with his grandma. His grandma, being old
and forgetful, left Andy alone to go to the store for groceries and
the apocalypse began. She never came back. Andy knew he couldn't
survive on his own so he instructed Newt to take him to find food.
Since then the two have been traveling anywhere that's safe and
Newt has protected Andy pretty well.
Other: Andy is completely blind. He has slight depression and is often
covered in bruises from walking into things. He can be shy and
anti-social although he is quite sweet if you get to know him. His
main goal is to find his parents, no matter what the cost. Below is
an image of Newt, his guide dog.
Auraora slowly climbed up Cezor as she got up on his ehad as she
looked around. "I think its gone.."Auraora said before hearing
wings flapping as she was grabbed by it. "OH COME ON!"Auraora
screamed trying tog et out of the creature's grip as Cezor tried to
attack the huge griffin creature thing.