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Rate the "About Me" of the User Above you!
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Forum Games → Rate the "About Me" of the User Above you!
Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 05:31 (7 Years ago)
Love it uvu
arti OFFLINETrainerlevel: 35
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 05:38 (7 Years ago)
i really like melaine martinez so im biased towards that woo ps
but it seems a lil empty and the gif is a little too big (in my
opinion) and doesn't loop that well??
Jack OFFLINETrainerlevel: 53
Forum Posts: 149
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 06:45 (7 Years ago)
Pretty good and appealing ^^
arti OFFLINETrainerlevel: 35
Posted: Sat, 18/03/2017 22:53 (7 Years ago)
its nice and organized though i feel like there's too much text?
Forum Posts: 55
Posted: Sat, 18/03/2017 22:54 (7 Years ago)
Pleasing to look at.
Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 00:29 (7 Years ago)
!! I love that about, honestly???
Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 00:57 (7 Years ago)
I have a soft spot for Melanie Martinez bios, but that quote from
her song doesn't hit me as hard as others may, but that's just me
arti OFFLINETrainerlevel: 35
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 00:59 (7 Years ago)
its really adorable tbh
but (for my screen) there are 4 extra hearts that kinda go out of
and i feel like there's too much text??
Pilufa OFFLINETrainerlevel: 32
Forum Posts: 563
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 08:33 (7 Years ago)
I liked it better whenit was full owl-styled
eisner OFFLINETrainerlevel: 38
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 13:46 (7 Years ago)
pretty bvut feels lacking
Now, I'd say that's a task well taken
care of! Uh… were you expecting something
Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 13:47 (7 Years ago)
Jack OFFLINETrainerlevel: 53
Forum Posts: 149
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 13:48 (7 Years ago)
Good use of BB Codes though i feel you could add an image or two
just to make it a bit more attractive :v
Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 16:12 (7 Years ago)
Good!! Just the scroll-
eisner OFFLINETrainerlevel: 38
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 16:15 (7 Years ago)
Now, I'd say that's a task well taken
care of! Uh… were you expecting something
Jack OFFLINETrainerlevel: 53
Forum Posts: 149
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 16:42 (7 Years ago)
Short and attractive.
Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 16:53 (7 Years ago)
Organized and fitting but unattractive fonts and colors are used,
font is too big at times and distracts the organized nature of the
other text
Pilufa OFFLINETrainerlevel: 32
Forum Posts: 563
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2017 21:59 (7 Years ago)
9.9/10 because the quote is just too much poetic for me
btw another INTP here
eisner OFFLINETrainerlevel: 38
Posted: Mon, 20/03/2017 04:24 (7 Years ago)
Now, I'd say that's a task well taken
care of! Uh… were you expecting something
Forum Posts: 862
Posted: Thu, 23/03/2017 08:36 (7 Years ago)
10/10 <3
Jesen OFFLINETrainerlevel: 83
Posted: Thu, 23/03/2017 18:00 (7 Years ago)
Very simple yet organized