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Everlynn Academy for Unusual Children || 1x1 with Bear

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Everlynn Academy for Unusual Children || 1x1 with Bear
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 18:47 (10 Years ago)
A letter arrives in your mailbox. You don't seem to recall it being there the moment before, but you still take it out and read the letter. The letters form before your very eyes.

Everlynn Academy

Dear -Name-,
You have been selected to join Everlynn Academy for Unusual Children. If you accept, transportation will arrive shortly.

Everlynn Academy is a place for those with the strange abilities similar to your own to develop and control your abilities better. It will also function as a regular school. You will pick your courses and have plenty of free time as well.

Accept invitation?
[ ] Yes [ ] No

A principal of sorts, Mr, Everlynn

You check the 'Yes' box. Your parents will probably get some sort of notice later, either way your not passing up this opportunity. Before you get a chance to even pack up your belongings a car arrives. You assume its the transportation mentioned and you climb in, noticing the fact your bags are in the car already.
Name: Raven Watt
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Ability: She can absorb and manipulate electricity, though occasionally she loses control and shocks anyone near her. The bad side of that is it can be from a bit of a static shock to electrocuting them.

Appearance: She has fairly long black hair with white streaks. Her eyes are a blue-greenish color and she usually wears black jeans with whatever she ends up throwing on. She's a bit above average height and skinny.

Personality: Raven tends to keep to herself but has a terrible temper. This is really only because she's afraid of hurting anyone with her ability. If she can get over that, she tends to joke around and lose any seriousness she might have had before. She's also fairly kind and caring though she isn't much of a people person.

History: When Raven was young, only about 7 years old, she accidentally hurt a classmate. No one assumed she did anything but Raven had to live with the shame, knowing it was her fault. She began to stray from anywhere with large amounts of people and eventually went missing entirely. She knew her parents and younger sister would probably be worried sick, since she vanished when she was only 10, 3 years since the incident with her classmate. When she received the letter Raven didn't even know how it found her, as she was in an completely abandoned city. She still accepted the invitation eagerly, hoping to control her powers.

Other: My computer is terrible .w.

7:30 AM-8:30 AM - Breakfast
8:35 AM-9:35 AM - Math
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM - Science
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM - Power Control
11:50 AM - 12:45 PM - Lunch
12:50 PM - 1:40 PM - English
1:40 PM - 2:15 PM - History
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM - Dinner


Dustin Howard



Dustin is able to control shadows. He is able to use them as his own personal slaves if he tries hard enough. The energy it takes him to do this usually can cause him to go unconscious or lose control of himself.

Dustin is about 5' 8". He is very scrawny and thin, having barely any muscle on his body. He has dark blue hair that he usually will spike up or put into a beanie. His eyes are normally a deep blue, although if he is shadow bending they will turn pitch black. His style varies from day to day, but he will always wear his favorite neon blue running shoes even if they don't match what he is wearing at all. He has a pair of 'hipster' glasses that don't have any lenses in them which he wears if he feels like it. He has a small lion tattoo on his lower back and a scar along his left cheek.

Dustin is the kind of guy everyone seems to get along with. He likes to play hard to get, and doesn't get to close to anyone. He has commitment issues and never really makes true friends. He is often cracking jokes and playing games. He is a bit of a trouble maker though, and tends to get into the wrong things. He is a bit of a flirt and has trouble accepting that some people don't like him. He is overall a pretty bubbly person who knows that people like him.

When Dustin was 8, he was hurt by a classmate. He was shocked on the cheek, which left a permanent scar although it isn't very visible. He never really blamed the girl, although he never spoke to her either. He and his mother left town, moving into the country for a while, due to Dustin's powers becoming stronger than he could contain. They lived there till he was around 13, when they got a letter in the mail. His mother reluctantly let him leave, even though this was what Dustin had always wanted; to be with others like him.

Other: Hope this is alright~

7:30 AM-8:30 AM - Breakfast
8:35 AM-9:35 AM - Math
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM - Science
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM - Power Control
11:50 AM - 12:45 PM - Lunch
12:50 PM - 1:40 PM - History
1:40 PM - 2:15 PM - English
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM - Dinner

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 19:47 (10 Years ago)

Dustin Howard



Dustin is able to control shadows. He is able to use them as his own personal slaves if he tries hard enough. The energy it takes him to do this usually can cause him to go unconscious or lose control of himself.

Dustin is about 5' 8". He is very scrawny and thin, having barely any muscle on his body. He has dark blue hair that he usually will spike up or put into a beanie. His eyes are normally a deep blue, although if he is shadow bending they will turn pitch black. His style varies from day to day, but he will always wear his favorite neon blue running shoes even if they don't match what he is wearing at all. He has a pair of 'hipster' glasses that don't have any lenses in them which he wears if he feels like it. He has a small lion tattoo on his lower back and a scar along his left cheek.

Dustin is the kind of guy everyone seems to get along with. He likes to play hard to get, and doesn't get to close to anyone. He has commitment issues and never really makes true friends. He is often cracking jokes and playing games. He is a bit of a trouble maker though, and tends to get into the wrong things. He is a bit of a flirt and has trouble accepting that some people don't like him. He is overall a pretty bubbly person who knows that people like him.

When Dustin was 8, he was hurt by a classmate. He was shocked on the cheek, which left a permanent scar although it isn't very visible. He never really blamed the girl, although he never spoke to her either. He and his mother left town, moving into the country for a while, due to Dustin's powers becoming stronger than he could contain. They lived there till he was around 13, when they got a letter in the mail. His mother reluctantly let him leave, even though this was what Dustin had always wanted; to be with others like him.

Other: Hope this is alright~

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 20:20 (10 Years ago)
(Its fine, lets go ahead and start.)

Raven doodled in her notebook as the car drove down the street. "If this car just appeared out of no where, why don't we just appear back?" Raven asked the driver. "The effects of disappearing from existence and appearing again doesn't have a particularly good effect on some people," the driver replied. "How much farther?" "About 3 hours." Raven groaned and put her notebook away. "Hey, it's your fault for being so far away!"

Raven decided she must have fallen asleep as the car jolted to a stop and her eyes flashed open. "Here we are!" the driver declared. Before she got out the driver spoke again. "Your lucky you got me for a driver. I can put people to sleep." Raven grinned slightly. Around one or two people she was usually fine. She looked at the building. It seemed the windows were distributed randomly throughout the building but it seemed to emit a friendly feeling overall. "I'll get my st-" She stopped mid-sentence when she noticed her bags were gone, though her notebook and pencil remained. "...Uff." Raven shrugged, grabbed her remaining belongings, and headed inside.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 20:28 (10 Years ago)
Dustin sat quietly in his little dorm like room. Classes hadn't begun yet, so he hadn't felt the need to change out of his plaid pajamas. He glanced around slightly, then pushed himself off his bed, sluggishly walking over to his dresser. He yanked it open, grabbing a random black t-shirt and an oversized pair of blue slacks. He quickly changed into them and then spiked his hair up with some gel. He looked in the mirror and grinned at the face looking back at him. After a few minutes of self-admiration he threw on his running shoes and ran out of his room, heading downstairs to grab some breakfast. He was pretty hungry, having missed dinner the other night for reasons he care not to explain. Upon heading down the stairs, he noticed a new comer. He couldn't quite see the face but he could tell she was a girl. He didn't think much of it, he just continued towards the dining hall to grab himself some food.
|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 20:41 (10 Years ago)
Raven noticed a small package on a small table addressed with her name. She opened it to find a map, some information and a schedule. Didn't the letter say I got to pick my schedule? she wondered, unfolding the schedule. It was as if someone knew exactly what she would've picked. A stray piece of paper from the package caught her attention. Breakfast is currently going on if you would like to eat. "Huh," Raven said aloud, putting the schedule and the information in her pocket. She kept the map out and tossed anything unimportant into the nearest trash can. Following the map, she found her way to the dining hall, flinching away from anyone closeby and keeping close to the wall. Too crowded. I swear if my powers decide to flare up any time soon I'm going t- She cut off her own thoughts abruptly at the smell of food and looked up from the floor. Her fingers felt slightly tingly, a bad sign for her. Not now, not now, not now, she thought with a hint of panic. She turned around, only to almost crash into Dustin.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 20:48 (10 Years ago)
"Wo-woah there!" Dustin says chuckling a bit as he takes a step back. He looks at the girl, finding her slightly familiar but then shrugs it off. He hasn't seen her around the academy before, so she must be the new girl, he thought. "You must be the new girl, I'm Dustin." He says holding his hand out, gesturing for the girl to shake his hand, a small grin slipping onto his face. He looks her up and down, curious to what her powers could be.
|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 20:55 (10 Years ago)
Don't lose control. Don't lose control, Raven willed herself as she hesitantly shook Dustin's hand. Of course, then she lost control. Electricity escaped from her hand, shocking Dustin. "I'm sorry!" she squeaked, the tingling fading. He seemed slightly familiar but she ignored it, more concerned about whether she electrocuted him or not.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:01 (10 Years ago)
Dustin jumped back a bit, startled by the shock. He then just smiled a bit and laughed it off. "That's pretty cool girl, so you can control electricity?" He asks, looking at his hand, seeing no marks or anything. "Oh and you didn't tell me your name, I mean you don't have to, but if you don't I'll have to call you girl." He says raising his eyebrows a bit and watching her, slightly intrigued by her power.
|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:04 (10 Years ago)
"I'm Raven," she replied. "Yeah, its not the easiest thing to control though. I've tried, it just never really works. It decides when it wants to be let loose." She considered fleeing to go keep fixing her old laptop or something, but instead a question escaped. "So what can you do?"

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:10 (10 Years ago)
"Well nice to meet you Raven." He begins, as the question of what he could do arised, he became much more outgoing. He began using his hands to talk, waving them around a bit as he began, "Well I'm a shadow bender! I can control shadows and use them for my own will... they don't always listen though; since shadows have a mind of there own.. and I sometimes pass out from overuse, but the shadows are super powerful and controlling them is like having my own little minions." He finishes grinning proudly. His stomach growls loudly and he huffs a bit, "Hey, why don't you come with me and we can get some breakfast, you gotta be hungry right?"
|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:16 (10 Years ago)
"Sounds interesting," Raven replied. "Yeah, I was originally headed for breakfast but then I felt my electricity going a little haywire, but I'm good now. I would've just gone around you but I decided to be polite, which resulted in shocking you. The last time I did that was when I was 7." She thought the last bit was a little unnecessary, but she couldn't take it back now. It's not like it was going to hurt anything. "What do they usually have for breakfast here anyway?" she asked, straying back to the topic.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:26 (10 Years ago)
Dustin pursed his lips a bit upon hearing the last part about shocking someone. He thought about the scar on his left cheek but didn't have the guts to say anything. "It depends how the cooks are feeling, but usually something like eggs or pancakes, generic breakfast foods." He says rolling his eyes and walking into the dining hall. He walks slightly quickly past the people and glances back, making sure he doesn't lose Raven in the mix of people.
|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:31 (10 Years ago)
Raven followed him nervously. Usually it took a while for the electricity to become restless once it built up again but after shocking Dustin she was twice as nervous. Catching up to him instead of lagging behind, she pulled out her schedule. "What do you have for your classes?" she asked.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:40 (10 Years ago)
"Let's see, first period math, second period science, third period power control, then lunch, fourth period history, fifth period english/grammar. What's your classes?" He asks as they reach the line, he grabs two trays, handing one to Raven and begins going down the line.
|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:43 (10 Years ago)
"Lets see, the same thing except history and english are switched for the periods for me," Raven replied.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:45 (10 Years ago)
"Oh cool, guess we'll be seeing each other a lot then." Dustin says grinning a bit and grabbing a plate of pancakes off the line. He continues down, grabbing an orange juice and nodding at the lunch lady. He grabbed a fork and a knife and waited for Raven to pick what she wanted.
|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:48 (10 Years ago)
After a moment of thought, Raven grabbed waffles, a muffin and apple juice. She followed Dustin. "So now what?" She was already almost halfway through one of her waffles.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 21:56 (10 Years ago)
Dustin takes a bite of his pancakes and looks at Raven, "Well after breakfast we are supposed to head to first class. Unless you wanted me to show you around the academy. The teachers and I are pretty close so it wouldn't be a problem that we are late." He says, guzzling down his orange juice.
|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 22:25 (10 Years ago)
"You should probably show me around the academy. I'll probably fall into some random cliff or something without knowing it," Raven replied. She took another bite of her waffle, no longer eating quite as fast as before.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 22:33 (10 Years ago)
Dustin finishes up his waffles and his juice, letting out a small yawn. "I think you would fall off a random cliff, not fall into." He says grinning and leaning back slightly, holding his now empty tray loosely between his fingers.
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