Mikki jumps almost dropping Eevee.
"Oohh!!" Eevee was out of her pokeball. She darted to the other
"EEVEE!!!" Eevee smelled the trainer.
"Vixi! You know better," Mikki scolded.
Draco looks at Mikki then back at the Treecko "Aero run up the tree
and junk off while using tackle. Aero ran up the tree and jumped a
tackle Treecko while in the air. Treecko used Lund but misses.
"Aero use your tail to sweep it then tackle!" Aero Knicks Treecko
in the Aurora and tackles if into the ground knocking it out "GO
POKEBALL!" Draco throws a pokeball
Treecko broke free. "Well let's see if the Ultraball my sis gave me
works!" Draco throws the Ultraball and succefully catches Treecko
"YES" Draco jumped in the air
"Ahhh!!" Mikki bit her lip. She called for Vixi. Vixi ran to Mikki
and jumped into her arms. Mikki dashed to the forest. She looked
behind her back and wasn't watching where she was going. She ran
into a tree. She landed hard on her back, but it wasn't a tree, it
was a Soodowoodo. It knocked her unconscious.
Staraptor perches on Dracos head while Aurora face palms herself "I
dont know you but I regret seeing this" Aurora sees Mikki run off
what was that about?
Draco saw Mikki and ran up to her "Go Treecko! Treecko use bullet
seed and Aero use tackle!". Treecko and Aeri dealt with sudowoodoo,
Draco shakes Mikki "Wake up!"
Lilly turned and nodded "hello I'm Lilly"
Digger jumped back as the pokemon came out
Lilly turned to Digger and the wild naiad "Naiad....they aren't
found here..." Lilly mumbled "unless..."