Forum Thread
Legend Evolved!(Needs people! Gijinka RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Legend Evolved!(Needs people! Gijinka RP)
1. Follow the PH rules.
2. Use proper grammar, don't be like 'plz let me in im a mew' No capitals, punctuation, txt tlk, and it breaks the next rule.
3. USE THE FORM. It's there for a reason. (Reserve a post if you are on a tablet.)
4. Don't god mod. Like, this. 'Arceus dodged every attack and killed the Ice- Type in one hit.'
5. Have fun!
6. Extended here are some examples of these rules. 1. Over curse. 1:'***** ******* I DON'T LIKE THIS RP!!!!!!(!x100)' Not only is this spam(Don't do it.) its just... Spam over load.
Legends taken:
Name: (Of character)
Moveset: (No TM's unless it is the same type as the legendary.)
Legend fused with:
My form:
Name: May Ulin
Gender: Female
Age+level: 18, and level 30
Personality: To be RP'd
Moveset: Recover (Rarely used, very offensive), Psycho cut, Future sight, Psyshock.
Legend fused with: Mewtwo
Looks: Here
History: Normal
Other: Fire
Gender: Male
Age+level: 21, level 50
Personality: He's closed off and doesn't like company of others. He also seems cruel and vicious on the outside but he's actually really caring.
Moveset: Agility, Drill Peck, Discharge, Zap Cannon
Legend fused with: Zapdos
History: Thanos is the only son of a rich couple so he spend his childhood surrounded by wealth. However, Thanos learned pretty early that a pile of money doesn't mean you're happy. His parents didn't have much time for him so he was mostly rised by the servants. He also noticed other kids only were his friends because he had cool toys. Thanos slowly closed off and didn't trust anyone to like him because of his personality. This resulted in him running away from home several times during his childhood. Those trips always ended up in Thanos being dragged back home.
Thanos gave up on running when he hit his teens and decided to take advance of his family's wealth instead. He spent years in partying, buying friends and making his parents crazy. After he turned 18 no one could stop him from leaving anymore so he left. His parents, fed up with his attitude, didn't give him a dime which was perfectly fine with Thanos. He had never been happy surrounded by money so he didn't want to take any of the thing that had ruined his childhood with him. The next three years Thanos spend travelling around the world and taking temporary jobs to fend for himself.
Other: My first rp character (that isn't a pokemon) with no mohawk... What is thiiiisss!? O.o
Gender: Female
Age+level: Age- 19 | Level- 42
Personality: She is a bit of a rebel that isn't afraid to stick it to the man. She hates when things don't go her way,but she usually keeps it hidden. Her sense of humor is lacking, and she doesn't forgive easily. She is smart, but her bad attitude mixes with that skill to make her even more annoying. Basically, she'd rather not be in the places she is, but when things go her way, you can expect great things from her.
Moveset: Hurricane, Ice Beam, Sky Drop, Sheer Cold
Legend fused with: Articuno
Looks: (I'm not good at drawing, so...) She has very long, bright white hair which is usually worn in a slightly off-center pony-tail. The colors she wears are mostly white and frosty blue. Her eyes are a light brown, and her skin is more pale than most. She wears a short-sleeved, frosty blue, thin shirt that looks a bit too long for her. Over the top is a slightly paler bolero jacket (long sleeved). She wears light blue (almost white) skinny jeans, with a loose fabric sort of belt that looks like Articuno's tail. The belt is too long for her, so it usually hangs out on the left side, going halfway down her leg. Her boots are only slightly heeled, these being a little bit darker than her jeans and made out of leather.
History: Uuh, I MAY edit this later, not sure what to put here...
Other: I based her off an anime character, I love you if you know who she's based off ^^ (don't worry if you don't know :b)
Name: Zebert
Gender: Male
Age/Level: 18, level 30
Personality: annoying
Move Set: Hurricane, Sky Attack, Solar Beam, and Heat Wave
Legend fused with: Moltres
Looks: Native American with firey wings, and a bow staff, red, orange and yellow clothes
History: normal
Other: Dark
Name: Tom
Age+level:Age 15 Level 49
Personality:Calm and quiet shy too he doesn't talk much and breaks up fights a lot
Moveset: Psychic. Tackle (Not sure what deoxy's would have)
Legend fused with:Deoxys (I searched for a list of legends and i love this one)
Looks:He wears a long sleeve blue shirt and dark blue jean pants his left arm is a deoxy's arm but orange and black his eyes are Like a deoxys and his hair is black and short
History:Not sure what to put here
Am i missing anything?
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Name: Paige
Gender: Female
Age+level: Age-12, level-16
Personality: Stubborn, hasty, she complains a lot but she does whatever it takes to help her friends
Moveset: Transform, Reflect type, Pound, Megapunch
Legend fused with: Mew (Can it be shiny?)
Looks: Blue ears and tail, Blond hair and hazel eyes, wears blue jacket with jeans
(If can't be shiny think of everything I said except the blond hair and hazel eyes)
History: Make up as the story continues
Other: Poison
RP start.
May shook her head. She had landed smack, down on the wood floor of the boat. It was like a cruise ship. A Pelipper Gijinka announced: "Everyone, the ship has been slowed down by other ship traffic. Please be patient." May sighed. Then she got up. She rubbed off a scar, and went downstairs. A Charmander Gijinka dropped a key in her paw. "Take it." He whispered. May read the key, and went to the boat's shaft. She unlocked the door. She gasped. "Shaft 3is beautiful!" She exclaimed, taking a look around. She shut the door behind her and stood in the room.