NEW RULER!!" he shouted with a crazed look in his eyes, Shuppy
charged at him again but murkrow tackeled Shuppy.
"Shuppy!" William screamed.
Bloom sent Pansear to give Max some Cookies. Pansear looks at max
"Do you like cookie?" Pansear smiles. Daisy looks like all she
wants to is attack max and eat 1,000 cookies after that.
"I can't stand it.... Not this time.... Never again." Sorin said to
himself, stopping. He turned towards Max. "Oh yeah? You and what
army? I serve the kind, not the greedy!" He yelled at him. "You'll
never be my king!"
Lilligent and panpour go to help pansear "No one beats up my
brother but me! you ust got this super strong pokemon mad!"
Lillgent starts attacking Max. Panpour attack Chatot leaving Murkow
for Pansear.
"OOhh this is gonna be FUN!" Max said as he used his wizard skills
to shoot the half-dead pansear all the way to the wall, he shot the
others away as well, then once they were all at the wall, murkrow
and chatot continuously attacked without mercy using their
strongest attacks.
Lilligent grabed Pansear and panpour and run to Bloom. Bloom looks
super mad "No one attacks my pokemon! Dont think that your magic
will work on me!" Bloom walks over to max hitting Murkow and Chatot
with a cutting bored.