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Forum Thread

DW shop

Forum-Index Suggestions Implemented DW shop
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 242
Posted: Wed, 29/10/2014 00:24 (10 Years ago)
Hello, I'd like to suggest something for the dreamworld shop.

It may not be most useful thing and also but be at some use for some people, so I hope that you will take my opinions and suggestions into consideration.

1."newly" released section.
When new plushies are released I want to know which ones and how many. I think for the reason of convenience and organization that a new section should be added to the DW shop that would essentially show the thumbnails of all the plushies that were added with the last stock extension. It's true that you could just browse through all the sections and look out for the "NEW" in green but I find that's inefficient as there are 7 sections that new plushies could be in. So why not just add another blue button and add a some writing that says "released on [insert date here]".

With the last stock extension with all those plushies added in I wasn't sure how many were added and which ones as well. So I had to browse through the sections to see what I had missed during my semi-hiatus. With this it would be much faster to see what I can add to my collection or just see what has been added for reference.

I don't really see a bad-side to this suggestion other than it won't have major impact on anything but I think it would still be nice to have it.

Thanks for reading!

Comments, Constructive Criticism appreciated!
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 156
Posted: Fri, 07/11/2014 05:14 (10 Years ago)
I like this idea I know its not a huge improvement or anything like that but it helps especially with people who are trying to collect everyone of them my opinion