Auraora suddenly stopped and turned around "Where? how could you
even know wher ehe is..'Auraora said supcious about this before
finding somekind fo emdcine of the ground
His head cocks to the side when Draco walks up to Auraora. His ears
flicker for a moment whilst he decides what to do. He didn't really
want to be left alone, not here anyways. "Umm.... if you're going
could I come with you?" He asked.
Good or Evil: evil
Disease: may be close to catching it
"Master, the batteries in you wii remote are runnning low.."-Fi,
Skyward sword
Quote from lukesun"Shiny pokemon are like ze vampires. They
sparklez in the sun.d
"Master, the batteries in you wii remote are runnning low.."-Fi,
Skyward sword
Quote from lukesun"Shiny pokemon are like ze vampires. They
sparklez in the sun.d
Username: Sylvia
Name: Amber Spelt
Age Or Level: She is 14 years old.
Gender: Female
Species Or Gijinka: She is a Crobat Gijinka.
Good Or Evil: Good
Do You Have The Disease?: Yes.
History: All she will say is that she had an older sister named
Cinn. She doesn't know what happened to her.
Other: Amber has, and has always had a strange connection with
poison types. She owns a shiny Spinarak named Fog.
Amber wandered through the forest. "Fog, where'd you go?" she
called out to her elusive partner. Her crobat wings fluttered in
irritation. "Come on, you cant hide now!" Amber yelled. No
response, only the rustling of the leaves. She sighed and slid to
the ground, propped up against a tree.