Aqua was the first of them to awake fallowed by forestwind and Mist
"where are we" Ask Aqua
"i don't Know" said forestwind "wheres Starbit?" Ask mist "i don't
Know we have to find him" Said forest wind They were walking Via a
Psychic link they all shared witch allowed them not to leave there
tubes So one by one they broke out and left the room looking for
Hi I'm Demetrius owner of the first emera gym on PH. And Proud owner of the first shiny Eruption Castform!
Jiggy Heard a distant sneeze. "Huh? what was that?" jiggy got up
and left the town to investigate the sneeze and after about 5
minutes found a pokemon. "H-h-hello?"
Auraora slowly sees other doors as she walsk up to one trying to
open it as she ehars a beep seening ti open as she sene a tv on and
kitchen "What the?"Auraora said before eharing a alarm "Ugh that si
bad"Razor says
Lilly starts to run but then stops as her eyes become red "No one
is going any where!" Lilly uses a weak water pulsa on everyone and
then falls and her eyes because normal and the rocks fall as well
'Um that was werid.."Auraora said not felling anything "Good/Evil
side thing happening again like few years ago?"Razor said rembering
something that happened on somekind of planet but they didn't
rember the anme anymore
They were in the hall way using there Psychic link to find starbit
"hes in here i think" said mist
"we charge the door on 3" said forestwind "1" "2" "3" They all said
together before the charged
the busted the door wide open inside was starbit in a tube they
busted him out "thanks guys" he said
"wait do you smell that?" said starbit "I think so" said mist a
green gas pored out from the walls they were all knocked out
Hi I'm Demetrius owner of the first emera gym on PH. And Proud owner of the first shiny Eruption Castform!
Lilly got up but looks vary weak "What just happened?" Lilly starts
to fly "We should get out. i will make sure every one is ok" Lilly
get ready to attack if needed
oran then hopped off his tree then hid by the grass... he was
trying to steal food from a pidgey he suddenly used quick attack
and quickly knocked the pidgey out and ran with the egnima