Forum Thread
[Art Shop] Plush Collector
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → [Art Shop] Plush CollectorThe priority is this:
Real Life issues
USD commissions
Personal artwork (Mainly reference sheets of my characters)
This means that it will take time for me to work on your orders, but the good news is that you don't have to pay anything until the image is completed for you.
○ All PH rules apply
○ Must have a clear reference (If I can't tell what it is, I can't draw it accurately)
○ Patience is a virtue
○ Type out your words. (U, R, Plz, and the like have no place in my shop, sorry)
○ Do not order if the slots are full.
○ Do not pay before I request it. (I prefer payment after I do the work, but before you get the normal version)
○ My signature will be on all orders (To deter theft. Check the Vetis image for an example)
This shop is pay what you want, but with a few restrictions.
Minimum payment: 1,000 PD value
Accepted forms of payment:
★★Dragon Gems
★ Natu Plushies
✩ PD, obviously
✩ And feel free to Offer
★★ Wanted, but I know it's not likely, lol
★ Wanted, and probable payment option
✩ Accepted, or considered, but least wanted.
[Sample]Daycare Owner - Reference Image [Hawlucha] - 50 Small Nuggets
► Professor_Joe - Shhhhhhh... - 2 Natu Plushies - Shhhh....
► piggylover29 - Shiny Blitzle - up to 15 Natu plushies
► Lilwan - Lilwan & Lilnavu - 40K - Be beside each other
► Four - Pokesona thing - 35K -
► The_Southern_Shaymin - Suri (Sky Shaymin) - 10 Natu Plushies - Same pose as Vetis
The Form:
Payment Offered:
Additional Information:
[b][u]Payment Offered[/u]:[/b]
[b][u]Additional Information[/u]:[/b]
[b][u]Payment Offered[/u]:[/b]
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Finished orders:
Reference:Vic, you've drawn him like, 2 or 3 times before so uwu;
Payment Offered:4 Natu Plushies? .w.
Additional Information:I don't know how to imagine it so just, go with it :p and the glasses would probably just be a cute little accessory uwu;
Title: Vic Order

Before the next one is finished, I'll be finding a proper watermark to use for these, but for now it just has one thrown on around the tail >.< (The non-marked one i missing that, but keeps my signature on it)
Reference: This little guy :3
Payment Offered: 35K and how many Natu plushies I can give you ^^(I have 200+ so tell me how many you want XD)
Additional Information:Well, all he is a pale colored Scrafty, with a scar running down his eye(either or I haven't decided yet) and his "Mohawk" has spiked in stead of the normal Scrafty thing. And he has finger less gloves on -w-
If you dont want to draw him its all good. Or if you need more info. on what he looks like then just tell me ^^.
Thanks : D

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »
Reference:Something like This, please :3
Payment Offered: 10 Natu Plush's :3
Additional Information: Please Draw exactly what She looks like in plushie form, but maybe her laying down like your Vetis you drew..?.
Reference: this pretty dragon
Payment Offered: 1 dragon gem + 25k
Additional Information: you can make some changes like completing it
sorry if the slots are full