Celeste watched the figures at the top of the building in silence.
Laazyyy, she thought to herself with a slight grin. She
simply decided she was now too lazy to go after them.
He chuckled. 'That's an odd
name...though perhaps I shouldn't be complainin',' he
replied, giving her a lopsided grin. 'So...er...if ya don't mind me askin', how'd
you become like....'this'?' He sat down on his hind legs and
gestured with his two paws at her.
(Her name a reference? c: If so, I think I know where it's from...)
Chrysie saw the pokemon sit and realized her wings were beginning
to ache. She landed on a roof near the pokemon and the odd-looking
human and in plain sight. She couldn't help it, there was no where
to hide on a roof. Her eyes flitted from pokemon to pokemon. She
shook her head to rid the dull ache in her head from the fall. She
flexed her wings, gingerly stretching them. She licked the ruffled
fur on her chest. She took flight, wincing when the sunlight caught
her fur directly, knowing she must look like a beacon.
(and also, there is no chimney or anything)
(this is a completely clear abandoned apartment building)
(and please, read the previous posts!)