Forum Thread
Name That Eeveelution!
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Name That Eeveelution!Rules
*All PH rules apply
*No fowl or bad language names please
*Be nice to everyone
*Use the form to participate
*Put "Bra-Lady" in your post so I know you read the rules
*No fowl or bad language names please
*Be nice to everyone
*Use the form to participate
*Put "Bra-Lady" in your post so I know you read the rules
Alright, so I know you guys wanna know what you win... So.. The Prizes!
Each Winner Per Eeveelution (Total of
9 Winners) May Choose From This List:
*(9) 5,000 PD
* (?) Eevee (To Create Your Very Own Non-Shiny Eeveelution)
*(3) A Box &Matching Key
*(9) Mass Clicks For A Week
*(1) 1 Rare Candy
*(9) 5,000 PD
* (?) Eevee (To Create Your Very Own Non-Shiny Eeveelution)
*(3) A Box &Matching Key
*(9) Mass Clicks For A Week
*(1) 1 Rare Candy
You May Enter As Many Names As You Like For The Eeveelutions But No More Than 9 Total!
Form To Join
please use a separate form for each
name entering.
[b]Nova, I Wanna Name Your
[u]Username:[/u] (Your username)
[u]Eeveelution Choosing:[/u] (One of the Nine available)
[u]Eeveelution Name:[/u] (What you would like to name it)
[u]Username:[/u] (Your username)
[u]Eeveelution Choosing:[/u] (One of the Nine available)
[u]Eeveelution Name:[/u] (What you would like to name it)
Each Eeveelution Winner is Chosen once that Shiny Eevee hatches!
The Names!
*kitkatfirestar Riley
*kitkatfirestar Dew
*Trainer_Red Cascade
*yuki_cross Tsunami
*remy1 Bolt
*GhostGem Spark
*Shadow_Koin Pyro
*amadea FlareBlaze
*FatherOfDaycare Boush (male), Muilch (female)
*froststream Glacier (male), Frost (female)
*Chicken Valorie
*EspeonMeow Yue (male), Luna (female)
*Trainer_Red Moonlight
*Pokemonlover28 Nightmare (male), Dark (female)
*Chicken Toranos (male), Thelra (female)
*EspeonMeow Cyrus (male), Dawn (female)
*Red_the_lugia The Doctor
*Thewildleafeon Rosie
*Shadow_Koin Kyubey
*amadea FrillRibbon
*kitkatfirestar Riley
*kitkatfirestar Dew
*Trainer_Red Cascade
*yuki_cross Tsunami
*remy1 Bolt
*GhostGem Spark
*Shadow_Koin Pyro
*amadea FlareBlaze
*FatherOfDaycare Boush (male), Muilch (female)
*froststream Glacier (male), Frost (female)
*Chicken Valorie
*EspeonMeow Yue (male), Luna (female)
*Trainer_Red Moonlight
*Pokemonlover28 Nightmare (male), Dark (female)
*Chicken Toranos (male), Thelra (female)
*EspeonMeow Cyrus (male), Dawn (female)
*Red_the_lugia The Doctor
*Thewildleafeon Rosie
*Shadow_Koin Kyubey
*amadea FrillRibbon
Username: Chicken
Eeveelution Choosing: Glaceon
Eeveelution Name: Valorie for both genders 8D
Other:Thank you for doing this uvu
Nova, I Wanna Name Your Eeveelution!
Username: Chicken
Eeveelution Choosing: Espeon
Eeveelution Name: Thelra for Female, Toranos for Male
Other: "Bra-Lady" xD
Username: (Your username)kitkatfirestar
Eeveelution Choosing: (One of the Nine available)vaporeon
Eeveelution Name: (What you would like to name it)Dew
Other:bra lady
Nova, I Wanna Name Your Eeveelution!
Username: (Your username)kitkatfirestar
Eeveelution Choosing: (One of the Nine available)eevee
Eeveelution Name: (What you would like to name it)Riley
Username: EspeonMeow
Eeveelution Choosing: Espeon
Eeveelution Name: Female:Dawn Male:Cyrus
Other: bra lady....
Nova, I Wanna Name Your Eeveelution!
Username: EspeonMeow
Eeveelution Choosing: Umbreon
Eeveelution Name: Female:Luna Male: Yue
Other: bra lady?
Username: Trainer_Red (Your username)
Eeveelution Choosing: Vaporeon (One of the Nine available)
Eeveelution Name: Cascade (What you would like to name it)
Other: None :)
Nova, I Wanna Name Your Eeveelution!
Username: Trainer_Red (Your username)
Eeveelution Choosing: Umbreon (One of the Nine available)
Eeveelution Name: Moonlight (What you would like to name it)
Other: None :)
Username: (Your username)amadea
Eeveelution Choosing: (One of the Nine available)slyveon
Eeveelution Name: (What you would like to name it)FrillRibbon
Nova, I Wanna Name Your Eeveelution!
[u]Username: (Your username)amadea
Eeveelution Choosing: (One of the Nine available)flareon
Eeveelution Name: (What you would like to name it)FlareBlaze
Username: yuki_cross
Eeveelution Choosing: vaporeon
Eeveelution Name: tsunami
Other: bra-lady ^_^
Username: GhostGem
Eeveelution Choosing: Jolteon
Eeveelution Name: Spark
Other: Bra-Lady