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pokemon mystery dungeon-go getters(Open and accepting)
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Roleplay → Pokémon RP → pokemon mystery dungeon-go getters(Open and accepting)
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:19 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:20 (10 Years ago)
Marco comes out(he's a machamp) "Eh, Draco! Who's this pretty lady
with u?"
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:21 (10 Years ago)
Aki's leaf twirled a bit.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:22 (10 Years ago)
"Her name is Aki. Anyway she needs help to evolve." "Right, Aki?"
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:23 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:27 (10 Years ago)
Marco:"ok just leave her to me!" "Aki, I"ll be back in an hour or
2, I have someypthing to do" "don't worry u can trust Marco"
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:31 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:32 (10 Years ago)
(Draco leaves) after 50 minutes Aki has evolved to Bayleaf. Marco
:"All done Aki here you go!" "Now about u and me go on a date
without that Draco kid? Hm?"
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:35 (10 Years ago)
Aki, however, liked Draco and refused to go on a date with Marco.
She heard something outside and decided to see what was going on.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:39 (10 Years ago)
Draco was getting tosses around by other machamps! "LET GO OF ME!"
Marco: "Aki, do u see what happens when somebody rejects me, go on
a date with me or Draco here will die?"
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:41 (10 Years ago)
Aki wasn't even paying attention to Marco. She was attacking the
other Machamps with Razor Leaf and Magical Leaf, and her maple leaf
on her head was on fire more than it had ever been. One by one, the
Machamps fainted.
Forum Posts: 122
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:43 (10 Years ago)
I will give you a date to remember.... (Evolves)... Take this
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:44 (10 Years ago)
Draco falls on the ground, he passed out Marco: why u!!!! Marco
grabs Draco and starts squeezing him to death Draco: "GAAAHX!!!!"
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:45 (10 Years ago)
Aki did something she never did before. She was fully on fire, body
and all, and ran straight into Marco, one-hit KO!
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:46 (10 Years ago)
Draco fell over, he hears Aki calling his name. He's weak, he is
Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:47 (10 Years ago)
Auraora slowly charged at the others using elaf tornado but also
using vine wip hitting everyone,maaybe a one-hit ok but Auraora was
then hit by somekind of razor leaf
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:47 (10 Years ago)
Aki used Aromatherapy in hopes of healing Draco.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:50 (10 Years ago)
It didn't help. Draco was digitizing(means his body is breaking a
part) "Aki can I tell u something? Before I die?"
Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:50 (10 Years ago)
"O-ok..." Aki was crying.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 16:52 (10 Years ago)
"I really do like u...Aki" Draco's body exploded, he was gone. He
was dead