Forum Thread
Chibi Pokemon Art Shop!!{CLOSED!!}
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Chibi Pokemon Art Shop!!{CLOSED!!}Rules:
-All PH Rules
-Stop rushing me!!!
-Anyone who keeps rushing me will be banned from this shop!
-Please, no legendaries!! They're too complicated!(Unless you pay a lot, I will be willing 2 try)
-I can draw the smaller common Pokemon, refer to the list below
Please fill this form if u want to order:
Chibi??(yes or no?):
Payment(I dont care, it could be just 100 PD):
1. enderknux-Glameow-500 PD
2. Sirua-Hoppip-1000 PD
3. Piggylover29=Blitzle-100-3,000 PD(maybe 500 or 1,000?)
4. Free
5. Free
Okay,also to make this straight, I am sorry if I take too long, I am known for getting distracted!!!!
I can only draw the art on weekends, 'cos my parents are sooooo obsessed with math, I don't have time on weekdays!! Sorry, I blame school for this problem!!! LOL
And also, please subscribe to this post, so I don't have to keep going to and fro trying to keep in touch and tell u everything!!!
PM me if there are any questions!
Pokemon I am able to draw:(You don't have to choose from this list!)
-Chibi Zapdos
-Chibi Pikachu
-Chibi Celebi
-Chibi Mew
-Chibi Pidgeot
-Chibi Serperior
-Chibi Absol
-Chibi Shiny Absol
-Chibi Mega Absol
-Maybe, a few legendary chibis...
Thanks to all who read and ordered!!

Pokemon: Could you try Glameow?
Chibi??(yes or no?): yes, if you can
Payment(I dont care, it could be just 100 PD): 500 PD

I am sorry enderknux, it's a rush, I will do better later when my parents stop nagging!! If u like it u can keep it but, for now, I am thinking of a better way to draw chibis...
This recalls studying...