"Sorry 'bout zat bud'. Do ya need any help?" I notice that my
purple ribbon is missing. "Aaahhhh!' I franticly search for it,
finally seeing deep inside of a skunky hideout. A horrible smell is
wafting out it it. "You're da devil," I say, looking at Riley. I
gesture towards the ribbon.
"Well I didnt know that you liked the smell of skunks in da mornin!
Three little birds blah blah blah reggae is cool blah!" I sway to
the beat of imaginary reggae music.
Please read through all rules then fill in attached form.
No swearing
No double posting
Don't be mean
Try to acknowledge other peoples ideas
Only 3 players can be legendary Pokemon and first come first
Pokemon you have been transformed into: Eevee
Gender: Female
Special features: Very friendly but can be Mad sometimes Wishes to
evolve into glaceon has a Blue scared on neck to show she is ill