First, I want to say what a great idea for a post! It really is
easy to take things for granted and complain. Especially with where
I work, it's very hard to see good.
There is a little beagle named Daisy that absolutely everyone is
taking interest in, and I would have thought she wouldn't have any
interest. She's thin, probably a hunting dog that the hunter tossed
out (as they do after hunting season), but she is the sweetest dog
and all of the kids loved her.
Also, there's this feral calico that I've been handling and she's
finally coming around. They call me the feral whisperer because I
risk getting bit trying to socialize them. More often than not,
these cats do become adoptable. Fingers crossed that she's one of
The best news today is that finally those repairs in the basement
came to an end and in the next few days I will be able to spend all
my free time there and play my favorite video games, how I've been
waiting for this.