Forum Thread
Team Ckritter [Open And Accepting!]
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Team Ckritter [Open And Accepting!]
As you lift your head up to try and re-catch the Zorua, you Notice its gone.

[size=14] A Zorua Has Told me About Team
TC(Team Ckitter)UserName:
Did You read The Rules Carefully?:[/center][/b]
TC(Team Ckitter)UserName:
Did You read The Rules Carefully?:[/center][/b]

My First FanClub, So please sign up!

A Zorua
Has Told me About Team Ckritter!
Username: ~TheRedSpiritWolf~
TC(Team Ckitter)UserName: Turqiz/Bolt
Description: (lol nvm mind this I made the team X3)
Did You read The Rules Carefully?: Yus
TC(Team Ckitter)UserName: Turqiz/Bolt
Description: (lol nvm mind this I made the team X3)
Did You read The Rules Carefully?: Yus
TC(Team Ckitter)UserName:Kipjake
Description:Do I really have to put this? Okay A boy that just loves Mudkipz
Did You read The Rules Carefully?:Yurpadoodle
And no bullying

Title: Apply
TC(Team Ckitter)UserName:Fox
Description:I just want to join to make friends and help others if they need it
Did You read The Rules Carefully?:
Yes I Did