a long time ago two pokemon where in a mysterious world called
altaria which became their home, now many pokemon live there but a
zecrom is destroying the city.......
will you try to stop the zecrom or be on the chaos side?
pokemon, fusion pokemon (include the pokemon species), or
username: Glotilde2
name: spectra
pokemon, fusion pokemon, or trainer?: a fusion of a yveltal and a
cresselia which looks more like a yveltal
age/level: 12
history: to be told
appearance: a fusion of a yveltal and a cresselia which looks more
like a yveltal
Auaora slowly looked around looking down from a cliff "Why did this
happen?"Auraora though grinning seening somekind of thing looking
down seening she seen Spectra then flyed down 'Hello"Auraora said
"Who is zecrom? do you mean zekrom? I know him but he would never
do that,its werid'Auraora said slowly starring at Her cofnsued and
worried about this place falling to pecies 'but I would like to
'The thunder cave... I haven't been there in eyars,wahts wrogn with
zekrom?"Auraora said thinking before saying "Ok,sicne im a
legendary I might get zekrom to listen'Auraora said slowly looking
through a book
"Ok'Auraora said running up trying to catch up with her just so she
couldn't be left behind like she was with zekrom when he was
changing (I have to go now bye ;3;)
"This is the firem or eltric lake,i call it that since me and
zekrom went ehre a lot when we where small and young"Auraora said
picking up a white feather that was from ... 5 years ago!
Yep,he almost destroyed dragonspiral tower"Auraora said putting the
feather down and walked off down the steeps to the lake "This place
had many trees and berire around it last few eyars..'Auraora said
Auraora looked up seening somekind of eltric coming down from
somekidn fo high place "Is him!"Auraora said hiding behind a rock
'Hid behind rocks or anything strong!"Auraora said (brb)
"Wait... He Made Me Forget What Happened!"Auraora said finaly
rembering what happened in the pasty,exploring somekind of ruins
with zekrom she was knocked out and zeckrom disappeared....