Titanium heard more noises, however they were cut off by the sound
of rain. "Great." Titanium said quietly as he jumped from tree to
tree until he reached a building. "A lab." He muttered, knowing
that someone inside definitely bore malicious intent.
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
(Nice! I guess someone is going to save us now? also a name
idea..... Blade?) Auraora then jumped up into the upper area
seening itm almost close she altyed down slowly drinking some
cleaed water "Phew"Auraora though seening the ponious purple water
Titanium saw a skylight on the roof of the lab. "Force palm." He
muttered to his Riolu before he crashed through the window and
looked around with his Riolu now charging a force palm.
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
The Scincetist looked up grinning 'So its him,the one of the few
trying to destroy this palce"The scientist said sending out a
flareon "Use flamethrower!"The scientist said as it did, Auraora
then seen the floor ope up to the ponious water and screamed
"HELP!"Auraora said before braking out from the thing and fell to
the ground as a human
shadow sighed after seeing the rain stopped, she started walking
''there has to be something to eat...'' she muttered.
she heard her stomach grumble and she moaned. this isn't my day... she thought bitterly.
Riolu hit the flareon at a breakneck speed. It was out before it
could even begin to respond to the movement. Titanium then walked
up to the scientist and punched him dead center in the face. "You
know no limits to your cruelty." He said gruesomely.
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
They both got hurt but the scientist only got knocked out 'Thank
you... you atleast broke the pokeball thatw as mine"The flareon
said trying to walk away outside but falling unconious,Auraora was
knocked out having glass around her but was bleeding "Well
Hello'Silver said slowly fall ing down from ahole from the second
floor sending out a giratina but was actually a zoroark
"Who are you?" Titanium asked as he looked at silver. "Never mind,
I don't care, just get out of my way." Titanium said as he walked
right past him and went to try to help Auraora. He knew that the
lab was losing it's ground and that he needed to get the hurt
person out.
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
"No you don't"The Girartina 9Zoroark said jumpiung in front of him
grinning before firing a shadow ball "You wont escape even with the
shiny mew/mewtwo fusion!"Sulver said sending out a
charizard,Auraora slowly looked around after waking up and got up
"What the.."Auraora said seening someone and backed up
Rune glared angrily at the trainer, and as the electricity in the
machine manifested to shock her, she absorbed the energy of the
shock and used it to break the glass of her pod, tearing the wires
that were attached to her. The wires that still were attached to
her back, arms and neck looked a bit like tendrils as Rune floated
in the air, glowing a greenish blue, as the tendrils whipped in the
air around her. Her eye were glowing purple and so were her
markings as she yelled in triumph, shattering all the glass in the
room. She turned her head to Silver, her eyes flashing
"The Shiny mew has awoken? good"Silver said sending a ultra ball or
a few net balls at the shiny mew/mewtwo fusion "You wont get
past"The giratina(Zoroark) Said as a red gem glowed on a necklace
that was controlling it
"Get out of here. Now." Titanium said over his shoulder to Auraora.
"Go, I'll catch up later." He said before making an arrogant smile
in Silver's direction. "Catch me if you can." He said before
dashing and hitting Silver in the back of the neck and weighed the
odds to check how likely he was to survive.
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas