Buck eventually gave in, Dylan put the bucket on Buck's back and
suddenly Buck fell to the ground.
'GET UP! AND WORK!' screamed the trainer at Buck, Buck tried to get
up, but fell down again, the trainer kicked Buck, scarring and
bruising the Pokemon.
Rose ran at the trainer kicking/raming into the trainer 'STOP
IT!"Rose said angrey,Auraora starred at the evee seening a zorark
now "Ok but most trainers are cruel now"Auraora said seening a bush
(I'm coming in with the deerling stuff and your going to like it
030) Leaf was a normal Fall Deerling that was running around
playfully in the area Rose was in. (030)
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
"What was that?"Auraora said eharing something then turned around
seening ness "Who are you?"Auraora asked giving Ness a berry trying
to help then seen a gem around her white scarf "Maybe this gives me
powers?'Auraora though
(I Gtg guys,since its getting close to when I go to church with meh
brother,his girlfriend and the girl friends little sister I think?)
"My name is Auraora'Auraora said dropping the berry in a small
thing so it wouldn't get dirty then gave it to ness
Username: Ninjakuzero
Name: Nex:
Age: 15
Level: 108
Gender: Male
Trainer Or Wild Pokémon/Trainer Pokémon(Pokémon Species Also):
Trainer Pokemon, Riolu
History: He is the pokemon of the famous trainer Ninjaku, little
known about him
Other: He knows: Aura Sphere, Ice punch, Shadow claw and
Good Or Evil: Good
Shiny?: No (Invited by ShinyRayquaza)
*Appears running throught a field* Ugghhh, I had to fake my death,
I had to protect him ,well...while this happens I will live with
the other pokemon...
(Accepted!) Auraora slowly woke up somewhere not knowing what
happened before flying up she bumped into some seening it was a
dome she was trapped in 'Grr"Auraora though angreyed
(Im not good at typing ;3; but im making a le new rp..) Auraora was
confused and try to break the dome but couldn't get through "Hello
but who are you?'Auraora asks confused starring at the Person
"Well I guess you know my name Already but that's werid since I
enver seen anyone like you before"Auraora said getting up and
flying over the broken glass that came when the glass was broken