Forum Thread
Sonic Ruleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Sonic RuleplayUsername: EeveeSong540
RP Name: Sivi
Animal: A Fox
Clothing: A gray headphone with neon green highlights on the side, sometimes wears a green striped turquoise beret like hat but the cap like part sticks out about 2-3 inches, wears a jean material jacket with jean shorts, wears black green shoes, wears a blue glove with just open spaces for the fingers
Description: Is yellow-orange with white on her hands and foot, with white on tips of her ear, has emo hair, with turquoise highlights streaming down, (Wut? I just like that hair-do) eyes are violet
History: Was mute for some years because something happened to her voice and she didn't know how it happened, but able to get voice back, became very quiet, shy, and very independent afterwards, is friendly but has a lack of friends because back then when she was mute she barely had any friends (around 1-3) (got no good idea of a history .-.)
Gender: Female
Power: (it's pretty hard to think of one.... .-.) Is a nature-lover (meow! :3), Leaf-Wind, Tornado (a small one!), Focus, Camouflage, Nature Shield, Energy Blast (makes a neon blue ball about 5-7 inches length, 3-6 inches width)
Other: Hai! :3