Username: AwesomeMin
Pokemon you can be able to breed:
Will you offer mega tables and shines: not for now
Anything else you would like to add: Can breed both genders
User:u no me already
Pokemon: takes deep breathe, charmander, cyndaquail,growlithe,torch
ic,tympole,eevee,goomy,tyrunt,Amaura,absol,cuddlithe,and some more
Will you offer mega or shiny:I don't have any, trying to get
pokeradar, after I get, we will see.
Anything else:cuddliths extra price because I can't bear giving
them away unless I get fair amount.
Pokemon you want me to breed? Ralts
Do you want a pair or a specific number of the pokemon? No just 1
for now :)
Gender?(Optional for a specific number of pokemon) Female if
Username: Argentis1412 Pokemon you want me to breed?: Cyndaquil and Espurr Do you want a pair or a specific number of the pokemon?:
Just one of each, please. Gender?(Optional for a specific number of pokemon): Does not
matter, both can be male or male/female Breeder: CrimsonFatalis