Forum Thread
What's your Pokémon?
Forum-Index → General Discussion → What's your Pokémon?Multiply your day of birth with your month of birth(ex: 21x5=105)
Multiply the result with the number of letters of your name(ex: 105x9=945)Divide by 2 until you get a number between 1 and 649(Decimals does not count)
I got a Dephox with the name ScaleafTheSnivy and got a Lilligant with my real name.
What's yours? Tell me.
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624 Pawniard with Navuso.
Okay, now I need to fuse those two, lol.
with my real name, it is uxie (damn, that's the only one of that trio i don't like 'cause it looks like a brain to me XD'')