Auraora then ehard something turning around seening jasper
"Hello"Auraora said smiling to see a other pokemon that hasn't been
copputed then started to wonder about Shadow
"My Name is Auraora and this is sky'Auraora said then noticing
something strange about the mewtwo but then forgoting about it
"Have you ehard of the disease?'Auraora said
Auraora looked at jasper cofnsued "Whats wrong?"Auraora said hoping
not to make it worse or make anyone think she was rude since she
would grant aany wish but not evil
"If there is anything wrong you can ask me if you want to grant a
wish ok?"Auraora said hoping to help anyone in bad times or in any
time that wasn't good
"Well ok atleast me and shadow can...'Auraora said before hearing
something seening a helcoper landing down with some grutns coming
"What?!"Auraora said running (Humans still live)
Username: Ghost_Rayquaza
Name: Sage
Age: 2
Gender: Female
Species: Jirachi (:3)
History: Has always hid from humans and other pokemon since she is
Other: Only wakes when is in danger or goes to help.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
Shadow was flying around before flying something grabbed him and
sreamed,Auraora eharing it and running to where it happened but
getting grabbed to screaming but being taken into the shadows...