Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → AuctionsFAQ:
1. How would we know how much nuggets to bid?
A: Simple. You would pretend that you are convert the nuggets to pokedollars.
So, 1 small nugget would be 1,000 pd, and 1 big nugget would be 100,000 pd.
2. Would it show that you bidded nuggets?
A:No. It will automatically switch it to pokedollar. So, say you bidded 4 big nuggets. It would show up as 400,000 pd.
3. If you lose the auction, will you get the amount back in pokedollar?
A: No. It would be back to nuggets. I know that some people would use that way to transfer an amount smaller than 50 small nuggets for making deals with other people.
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