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Investigation Free The Nation [Summer RP]

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Investigation Free The Nation [Summer RP]
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 16:10 (11 Years ago)
Co Founders:
I could really use experienced help. ;u;

Before you apple for Co-Leader or Leader of a group remember that Co-Leaders, and Leaders will decide their groups base of actions based on what chapter we are currently on. At first I will help, but then it is up to the leaders! So it is a big responsibility and plays a major impact on how the RP turns out.

If you do not feel up to it later on, let me know and I will change your rank! :>


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A long time ago there was a famous team called The Guardians. These were exceptionally skilled members of all good doers such as police, trainers, and rangers. When a task could not be handled by normal law enforcement they would leap from the shadows and set forth to fix the wrong. Their history was rich, it even was said they had earned the trust of the Legendary Pokemon, but they never attempted to catch or control them. The world was well, except for minor crimes, but one day they were sent to investigate The Purists. They were a group of people whom believed only Pokemon were pure and that humans would always be full of sin. They took Pokemon, and Humans alike and preformed harsh experiments on both. Their goal was to eliminate the human race and create a new high bred race called Pokemon Gijinkas. They thought that once man was part of Pokemon then, and only then would the world be pure.

The Guardians set forth into investigation. After years of fighting them they finally rid of the last Purist, putting a stop to their plans. They were not ones to kill so they were locked away, never to be heard of again. However, they were too late. The infamous High Bred was made. The Guardian found Gijinkas in the test tubes, hooked up to wires, growing, breathing, blinking. A report was sent to the people of the globe. Right away citizens feared them, they wanted to lock them away till their death. However it was soon discovered their life span was incredible due to their Pokemon DNA. The Guardians fought for their rights, claiming they had rights like any other Pokemon or human. They were soon shunned, and thought of as The Justice That Failed. People soon forgot about all the good The Guardians had done. They now looked at them as the group who wanted to release monsters to wreck havoc on society.

The Guardians dissolved due to the shamming on their name and their leader fried most of the members for corrupt behavior. Soon The Guardians were nothing but an legend of corruption to read to children as a bed time story. The Gijinkas were locked into the Vault for the rest of their lives.

Now that The Guardians were no longer a problem Team Dimension came into play. They started with their schemes, and with no one able to stop them, they threw the world into chaos by using Pokemon and Crime as a distraction. Children prayed for a savoir, and their prayers were heard by Arceus, and he set fourth a vision of hope as The Guardians danced in the shadows. They started recruiting silently to answer Arceus's demand. However no one seems to have noticed the activeness of forgotten myth. Team Dimension is targeting Pokemon and Legendary Pokemon to help them gain control of the world. And in some cases it is working. People are losing their Pokemon and money to thieves, and snaggers from the group. Some how they manipulate Pokemon, and Upset The Legendary Pokemon. While everyone is helpless, and in panic they set to work propaganda and their establishment. Pokemon have become more cautious, and aggressive, Shadow Pokemon have entered the frame. No one is safe.

Will The Guardians be able to rise to call in time or will Team Dimension destroy the world they wish to rule?

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 16:14 (11 Years ago)

Title: The Teams

The Guardians:

The Guardians are now recruiting new members. They have a team of investigators and action takers. Their goal is to figure out why Pokemon are acting so strange, protect Pokemon/People, and stop Team Dimension. They are trying to bring the world back to it's state of peace. However in order to do that they know they must figure out each cause and origin to react properly. The story will be set in chapters, and all members will be needed to figure out the cause, and then take action. They need the help of the Legendary Pokemon, but when they go to ask for their assistance, they strike out. Something is wrong, and now they are left without the Pokemon they have relied on for so long. They must regain their trust, help them, and solve mysteries along to the way for the common good of all.

Their first step is to free and get help from the Gijinkas.

Team Dimension:
Team Dimension is a deadly team with many goals in mind. They are made up of members of other teams such as
Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Magma, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, Team Flare, Team Dim Sun, Team Snagem and other teams. They take the goals of all teams and the leader of Team Dimension promises all goals will be met once they have global control. Team leaders from the teams that these members have came from are starting to catch wind their agents are playing double spy, or quitting their teams to be a member of Team Dimension. This infuriates the leaders, and so they want to take Team Dimension down just as bad as The Guardians. Although The Guardians are against all of them, sometimes you have to work with your enemy to take down a common foe.

Team Dimension will be The Guardians main enemy. They will be the ultimate foes that will impede on the plans to bring the world to a state of peace. Once Team Dimension hears rumors that The Guardians are entering The Vault they pose too enter and try to recruit Gijinkas with the promise of freedom if they help. They coax them, reminding them who imprisoned them and give them a chance for revenge.

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 16:22 (11 Years ago)

Title: Terms

The Guardians: A team dedicated to equality, peace, and the protection of all.
Team Dimension: A team looking to control Pokemon, and the world.
The Purists: The creator of the High Bred.
The Vault: A large island habitat the size of Kanto where all Gijinkas are banished to for life. There is no escape, no matter what.
Medical Core: The team of nurses, doctors, that tend to the wounded. This is also the people who are responsible for the final stage of reopening a Pokemon's heart.
Rangers: Those who use Capture Stylers to gain trust and assistance of Pokemon.
Pokemon Gijinkas: A high bred cross between human and Pokemon.
Pokemon Trainers: Those who battle, and train their captured Pokemon.
Guardian's Domain: The main base of operations, a castle like structure with various rooms for various jobs to be preformed.
Protege Camp: The base of operations for Guardians in training. It includes it's own main building separate from the Guardian's domain, and fine wooden cabins.
Sanctuary Island: The island where The Guardian's main base of operations is located.
Dimensional Island: The island where Team Dimension's main base of operations is located.

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 16:26 (11 Years ago)

Title: Rules

Edit: 9/14/13

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* Follow the rules of PokeHeros.

*In the title put your location for when you first arrive. And when you change locations in a post change the title to the new location.
Example: If someone was in the entered the Vault the would put "The Vault" as their topic. They do not have to do it any time after that just the first time. If they leave The Vault to go to Team Dimension's Hide Out, in that post where they leave put the new title "Team Dimension's Hide Out" but will not have to tile their post again until they go into a new location.

* No Legendary Pokemon. You can not own them or control them. At the end of each chapter, when there is a Legendary face off, don't be all powerful. You will need help from other characters, and each person will be chosen to use a Legendary to assist them once AFTER Team Gaurdian regains their trust.

* No one can escape The Vault. Only exceptions are the ones I approve of.

* This is a literate to advanced literate roleplay. You do not have to be great, just no text talk, and use proper grammar. Everyone messes up. Trust me I am the Queen of Typos. As long as you try! :>
Please avoid using smilies, and such in the RP, and no less than three sentences per post. For example do not go, *Kevin cawed majestically and vry loudly as he preformed rain dance, he had vry big smiley! :D* "Lol bro let's get dat rein :)".
You can go OOC using () or [], ect. You can use emotes there just not in the RP.

* Do not God mode! Use OOC to decide if you can defeat characters, ect, or just let it play out. I am sure were are all old enough to be sensible. This means you can not control other people or their Pokemon. If you use a move that gives temporary control make sure it is okay with the user.

* I don't care how much you dislike someone. Be nice. There will be no hate. If you do not like the way someone acts inform me, or a Co-Founder. If they take it outside of RP, take it to a Mod.

* Please do not write the entire story by yourself. People have different times zones, be patient and let everyone get in on the RP.

* Alert us if you are going to be gone for a while! I will need help, so I will need Co-Founders! I also would LOVE ideas! Please, I won't bite. :33

* You may have a as many characters as you can handle.

* You can RP as citizens, wild Pokemon, ect. In order to interact with your own character. So not take advantage of this.

* Evolution and such for Gijinkas happen the way you please as long as it goes with the Pokemon they are part of.

* When joining, note gender differences. It's no fun to have all one gender.

* Co-Founders and such will be chosen by me. They are responsible for making sure people follow the rules and what is being done is logical. They are also responsible for making me look like I know what I am doing. Kind of. Hehehehe, anyway I will require ideas and contribution when it comes to missions and chapters.

* PM me with you character profile and I will add you. <3

* These rules and information I may adjust. Please look at the titles I post in RPs, it will show you what chapter you are on and when we move on to a new one.

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 16:38 (11 Years ago)

Title: Character Profile

Profile Outline:
Feel free to add more information! :>

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Nick Name:
Orginal Team: [If you joined Team Dimension, what team did you original come from? Team Rocket, Team Aqua, ect. Remember your personal goals should correspond with your orginal team in most cases.]
Team: [Guardian or Dimension, you can start off as neither but put the one you will later join.]
Status: [Leader,Co-Leader, Grunt, Ect.]
Race: [Human or Gijinka]
Pokemon Infused With: [If Gijinka]
Pokemon Team: [Include Levels, types, and such. Members can only start off at level 15 at the highest, Co-Leaders 40, Leader 60. Members can only start with 3 Pokemon, Co-Leaders, 4, and Leaders 6. You can get more than 6 total, but you can only carry 6 with you. You may get up to 12 Pokemon as of now. This may change.]
Approx. Level: [If you are a Gijinka.]

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 16:45 (11 Years ago)

Title: Ranked Characters

These are the ranks you can put under your status. I will not fill out grunts and such only important things such as leader. There will be two Co-Leaders and One Leader per field.

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Guardian Ranks: [You can start as a member and work your way up to leader.]

Guardian Secret Leader: Raffaelu Dayani
Guardian Leader:
Guardian Co Leaders:
Medical Core Leader:
Medical Core Co Leaders:
Medical Core Members:
Ranger Leader:
Ranger Co Leaders:
Camp Instructors:
Ranger Member:
Pokemon Trainers:
Snagger: [You may be a snagger and something else.]

Dimension Ranks:

Dimension Leader:
Dimension Co Leaders: Bell [Right Hand Man]
Medical Core Leader:
Medical Core Co Leaders:
Medical Core Members:
Grunt [Trainer]:

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 16:50 (11 Years ago)

Title: Character List

Numbers of Characters:

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Females: 6
Humans: 5
Gijinka: 5
Dimensions: 4

alchemizedTruth's Characters:

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Username: alchmizedTrust
Name: Raffaulu Dayani
Nick Name: Ruru
Original Team: Team Guardian
Team: The Guardians
Status: Secret Leader
Race: Human
Pokemon Infused With: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Volcarona [Female]: 60 [Bug/Fire] -Caught
Kingdra [Male]: 40 [Water/Dragon] -Caught
Kirlia [Female]: 20 [Psychic] -Caught
Will Later On Get...
Bulbasaur [Male]: 10 [Grass/ Poison]
Eevee [Male]: 20 [Normal]
Gligar [Male]: 20 [Flying/Ground]

Deino [Male]: 40 [Dark/Dragon] -Caught

Approx. Level: N/A
Personality: Ruru is a softly spoken young man. He is very gentle and prefers not to fight, or in some cases even lead. He loves to ponder questions, such as why things are the way they are. It is not hard for him to appropriate the little things in life, they often amaze him. Though when it comes down to it he can be the complete opposite of how he normally acts, this shows in some battles. Nature always soothes him, and learning is as sweet as candy to his young mind.
Biography: Ever since he was born Fragile X syndrome held him back. Fragile X syndrome is caused by a change in a gene called FMR1. A small part of the gene code is repeated on a fragile area of the X chromosome. The more repeats, the more likely there is to be a problem. The FMR1 gene makes a protein needed for your brain to grow properly. A defect in the gene makes your body produce too little of the protein, or none at all.
Boys and girls can both be affected, but because boys have only one X chromosome, a single fragile X is likely to affect them more severely. You can have fragile X syndrome even if your parents do not have it. So although psychically he can not do as much as other he has always fought to do more. Though this condition was not confirmed but theorized. His mother and father were very supportive, and his Pokemon always helped him thought the years. Though, now he has set off more or less on his own. As the leader he was born to be, and learning how to be.
Relationships: N/A
Other: He poses as a member to increase his skills. His heart is in the right place but his is not yet strong enough to withhold the organization on his own.

Username: alchemizedTrust
Name: Yuki Sapphire
Original Team: The Vault
Team: [Currently more likely to join Deminsion. Remember chracters can change teams.]
Status: Member
Race: Gijinka [Infused with Froslass]
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Snorunt [Female]: 13 [Ice]
Approx. Level: 59
Personality: Generally: Yuki has a very stoic and introverted personality, preferring simple body language rather than speaking. When prompted to speak, she does so in a very concise manner, almost always speaking in a monotone and displaying a dispassionate expression. Her tone also carries a hint of bitter cold, unwelcoming nature. Her empathy is somewhat lacking. Though this is only to strangers.

Yuki's unchanging facial expressions make it near-impossible to discern her mood, despite her reserved manner, she is not emotionless. She has certain people she keeps in mind and likes. Though seemingly cold and devoid of emotions at first glance, Yuki does have emotions; subtly shows a genuinely warm care for select beings. If comfortable around you, she can smile, laugh, or let down her mask so to say. She may seem a little timid, two sides of a coin. One cold, the other caring. However, she can get jealous, and enraged in which she will lash out in anger.
Biography: Yuki was very content in the Vault. She on the other hand became furious when humans started entering. They scared the Pokemon, and she fled into a cave. There she stayed, freezing anyone who dared disturb her. She bore a deep grudge against humans, and spent her time looking at her collection of frozen beings. Though she grew curious of the humans in time.
Relationships: N/A
Other: N/A

Oddballme's Characters:

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Username: Oddballme
Name: Bell
Original Team: Dimension. (Originally a Trainer.)
Team: Dimension. (Muhuhuh.)
Status: Coleader
Race: Human
Pokémon Infused With: --
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Arbok (30){Poison}[Posion sting, Bite, Wrap, Glare.]
Ivysaur(27){Grass/poison}[Vine whip, Tackle, Razorleaf, Leech seed.],
Herdier(23){Normal}[Bite, Tackle Takedown, Work up.],
and Magnemite(28){Steel/Eletric}[Sonicboom, Thundershock, Tackle, Magnet Bomb]
(Level) {Type} [Moves]
Approx. Level: --
Personality: A generally impatient and rude person, but if you are on his good side, you can be the best queen/king you could ever be. He is also quiet silent, but he is loud when he's mad.
Biography: Bell was raised in a loud family, and came out to be the silent one. He could never get any peace, so he learned to be rude and eventually left his home when he couldn't stand it anymore. He was running deep in the forest, until he bumped into a tree that had and odd shadow, and he saw an odd, abandoned camp. Then he ended up here. Alone, for now.

Celestial's Characters:

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Username: Celestial
Name: Selene Talvo
Original Team: Guardian
Team: Guardian
Status: Ranger member
Race: Human
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: As you know, Rangers do not have Pokémon. They can "capture" a Pokémon, which stays by their side until they have assisted the Ranger or they are released. Selene does have a loyal partner Pokémon that stays by her side, no matter what. The Pokémon is:

Level 15 Chatot (nicknamed Beethoven).
His moves are Mimic, Roost, Chatter, and Fury Attack.
Approx. Level: None, Selene is a human.
Personality: Sweet and shy, Selene is the kind of girl who is never the first to approach someone. Her voice is soft and timid, and she stutters from time to time. However, as one gets to know her, she becomes more perky and sunshiney.

Selene has always been a little single minded and distant. She has a childish innocence, where she believes that there's always a little good in everybody. She always hesitates before finishing a Pokémon off in the few times she ever battled before, and is a little sad when her opponent faints.
Biography: Selene has always led a normal life. She was born in a house that's not big or small, with a mother, a father, and a soon to be born little sister.

When she started school, her father brought home a newly hatched Chatot from the local Breeding Center, where he works. The two instantly became inseparable. Selene would bring Beethoven (named by her mother) to school every day. Beethoven learned to speak the human language fluently- much better than many Chatots.

In 7th grade, a Ranger came to her town. Selene caught the eye of this Ranger, and he took Selene in as her apprentice, with her parents' full consent. Selene slowly started developing into a young Ranger herself, with Beethoven at her side as her partner Pokémon.

The Ranger gave her a ticket to Sanctuary Island when he deemed her acceptable for becoming a Guardian.
Thus, Selene's adventure begins...
Relationships: None.
Other: Beethoven can speak the human language fluently, but he can't really understand hard words that well.

Username: Celestial
Name: Raven Saluki
Nick Name: Just Raven.
Orginal Team: Team Rocket
Team: Dimension
Status: Grunt
Race: Human
Pokemon Infused With: Not Gijinka
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Level 13 Skarmory, nicknamed Scarscream. Knows Agility, Peck, Spikes, and Air Slash.
Level 14 Ponyta, nicknamed Fen. Knows Ember, Flame Wheel, Agility, and Stomp.
Level 15 Bagon, nicknamed Fury. Knows Dragon Breath, Focus Energy, Ember, and Headbutt.
Approx. Level: Nope.
Personality: Raven might be pretty, but she's pretty evil, and she likes it that way. Sharp, sadistic, and cold, if you were on fire and Raven had water to put you out, she would probably sit back and drink the water while you burn and scream in pain. She likes taunting and making fun of people and considers it as a sport.

People don't really matter to her. Every human other than her are all idiots in her eyes. Pokemon are different, though. Raven would much rather be in the company of Pokemon than people. She believes that Pokemon are smarter, more logical, and more reasonable than humans.
Biography: Weakness. That's all Raven saw in her parents by the time she turned 15. She didn't have any siblings so look up to or to are for, and her parents were lovely people. Always so kind, so sweet, so forgiving... It made Raven want to throw up. So she ran away, away from the people who had so lovingly cared for, to join Team Rocket.

Then her life was flipped over when Team Rocket became a part of Team Dimension. She was given a choice to join the new Team Dimension or leave. Of course, she stayed, for the weakness of the simple town life would have been too overwhelming for her.

So Raven's journey begins...
Relationships: None, other than a bond with her Pokemon.
Other: Nothing.
Other Profile Currently Pending Due To A Quick Survey Of The Character

Kazumi's Characters:

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Username: Kazumi
Name: Kiyomi
Nick Name:
Original Team: Vault
Team: Leaning towards Guardian due to the fact that Dimension wants to use those like her
Status: Member
Race: Gijinka
Pokemon Infused With: Altaria
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Eevee [female]: 15 [normal]
Approx. Level: 55
(With the white cloud wing thingys on her back)
Personality: She is confident and protective of what she owns. To pokemon and other gijinka, she can also be kind and mother-like, fussing over every little detail. To humans and those she dis-like, they see a cold, uncaring side, destroying conversations with a short, or none at all, answers, and nothing to ever add onto said conversation. She gives everyone a single chance, and what they do with that chance will determine whether or not she considers them enemies. For those enemies, she can hold a grudge for a life time.
Biography: Kiyomi lives in the Vault for her entire life as far as she could remember. It was safe and peaceful, while also giving her, her basic needs. She had friends to play with, so she was happy enough to live in the Vault. She had no contact with humans until they invaded her home. She found a little Eevee egg while trying to run away. She took the egg with her and fled to the top of a mountain, where the egg hatched.
Relationships: N/A
Other: None

Rini00's Characters

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Username: Rini00
Name: Crystal
Nick Name:
Orginal Team: Vault
Team: Guardian
Status: Member
Race: Gijinka
Pokemon Infused With: Zorua
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team:
Approx. Level: Level 50

Personality: Very fun and full of energy. Loves to play games and climb tries. She loves to go into the forest for a break from Illusion and can't use Illusion while she sleeps.
Biography: She escaped the Vault by using Illusion to change into a human. Now she lives on the Island alone and pretends to be human. She'll sometimes goes into the forest for a break.
Relationships: None
Other: Has everstone necklace so she doesn't eveolve

Username: Rini
Name: Aqua
Nick Name:
Orginal Team: Vault
Race: Gijinka
Pokemon Infused With: Milotic
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: She has a togetic that will visit her sometimes name Tobi.
Approx. Level: 49
Personality: To be Rp'ed
Biography: Once escaped for a day but they found her and took her back. She loved swimming in the ocean and wants to go back soon. One day she found a togepi drowning and she saved it. When he woke up he eveloved into a togetic.
Relationships: Friends with a Togetic named Tobi

FreezeTheFox's Characters

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Username: FreezeTheFox
Name: Euan
Original Team: The Vault.
Team: Neither, but will probably join Team Dimension.
Status: Member
Race: Gijinka
Pokemon Infused With: Flygon
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Murkrow (Female): level 15 (Dark/Flying)
Approx. Level: 45
Personality: Free spirited and eager for adventure, Euan is the kind of guy who'd never turn down a challenge. Though throughout his life he's grown more cautious of others, he's friendly to most people he meets and is easy to befriend with some time, being very loyal to those he trusts. He's always excited to try new things, but more likely than not that excitement causes him to make choices he ends up regretting later.
Biography: The Vault being the only place he'd ever known, Euan would often look out across the ocean and wonder if there was more out there. Not content to settle down in one area of the island, he roamed and explored, trying to find new areas of his home that he'd never seen before. On one such an excursion, he met a young Murkrow with a hurt wing. Though he was sketchy in the subject, he did what he could to help the bird recover, and she ended up traveling with him. Upon hearing about humans arriving on the island, his curiosity gets the better of him and he goes to check it out.
Relationships: None.
Other: None

Username: FreezeTheFox
Name: Haley Marcillo
Nick Name: Lee
Orginal Team: Guardians
Team: Guardians
Status: Trainer
Race: Human
Pokemon Infused With:
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team:
Miccino [Normal] - Gale - Level 14 (Pound, Helping Hand, DoubleSlap, Endure)
Shiny Sandshrew [Ground] - Marilla - Level 9 (Defense Curl, Sand Attack, Rollout, Rapid Spin)
Approx. Level:
Appearance: (Without the microphone)

Personality: Lee is very intelligent and observant for his age, being able to catch details most others might miss. He's a bit antisocial, however, preferring the company of his Pokemon to other humans. Oftentimes he'll sit near the back of a group, listening to others talk and not saying anything. He takes any responsibilities given to him incredibly serious and will work as hard as he can to not let anyone down.
Biography: After having a nasty disagreement with his father, Lee ran away from home to become a Pokemon trainer. He caught and raised a few Pokemon, managing to collect a few gym badges along the way, before releasing them back into the wild. He continued this cycle until one day he came into possession of an opportunity he'd never dreamed of having before: a ticket to the Guardians' island.
Relationships: None.
Other: None.

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 17:06 (11 Years ago)

Title: Investigation Free The Nation Chapter Index

Chapter One: Rise of The Guardians

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Section One: The Meeting
The Guardians:
This is how the RP first starts out when we get new members. The Guardians have their own island away from it all. No one knows about this but you have been given a ticket! Don't lose it, it is your only chance of getting a ride to the island. Sanctuary Island. Your character will get on the boat and meet new members, he or she will reach the island and be guided to a large theater. There someone will explain to you why you are here and what your first mission is. Boats run at all times so late members can join as well.

Team Dimension:
For now what your team is doing is plotting. Team Dimension is currently training new recruits, and cracking down on old ones. So when new people arrive you leader will tell you basic rules of your team, ect, and the plan. Which is currently to get Pokemon Gijinka's on your side. As soon as you have enough recruits, you may enter the vault on your leaders command. From there you will be RPing there about your struggles to get them to join you. Pokemon also roam there so you can catch Pokemon as well. Who is not at The Vault will either be playing spy in The Guardians, or back at your headquarters do who know what.That is how the RP will go till Chapter One Section Two. Most likely Team Dimension will make it to The Vault first.

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 17:55 (11 Years ago)

Title: Summery

Chapter One:

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In Progress...

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 17:56 (11 Years ago)

Title: Events Bulletin Board

This is where events will be posted. Event winners may get some sort of prize like gold, Pokemon, or an item. :>

Member Round Up:

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Start Date: 9/15/13
End Date:N/A
Explanation: This one is rather simple. This thread is new but this kind of RP requires a hand full of members. If you suggest this RP to a friend and they join, tell them to put your user name at the top when they send me their character profile! Every person who joins because of you will earn you gold.
Rules: You will only receive gold and such when I have extra.
Do not spam, or pester people! :<
They are here for PokeHeros, and may have no interest in RPs!
Respect their wishes, I don't want this thread getting a bad reputation because the members are being pushy.
I would suggest only inviting friends. I do not want to get in trouble, and I don't want to lose this thread so please be courteous!

Bonus:If you catch a typo [not RP wise] before I do in my post [such as in the rules, ect] let me know. If you want I will give you a small amount of gold for pointing it out. Even though it would be nice it you did so out of the kindness of your heart. :>

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 17:56 (11 Years ago)

Title: The Oath And Pledge

The Guardian Pledge:

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"I pledge allegiance to the heart, of the united nations; to the tranquility of Pokemon, and humans, and those alike. One world, under no circumstances, with unconditionally will to fight for liberty, and justice for all."

The Guardian Oath:

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When you complete your training and you are sworn into The Guardians you take this oath.

"Do you [name], swear that you will eternally stand for The Heart, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the needed defense, and aid, and unconditionally promote welfare, securing Liberty, for all despite what may come or has passed?"

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 17:57 (11 Years ago)

Title: N/A


Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 17:59 (11 Years ago)

Title: N/A


Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 17:59 (11 Years ago)

Title: N/A


Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 18:00 (11 Years ago)

Title: N/A


Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 20:15 (11 Years ago)

Title: The Vault

[[Yes, I did use this post to start another RP but it was a good start for this one as well.]]

A woman lost in an icy mountain path, reborn in the ghostly twisted ice palace of a frozen heart. So long she has stayed put, collecting, and biding her time. Collecting a secret display, collecting. A live collection frozen in the jaws of time.

Froslass is a humanoid Pokémon with a hollow torso that resembles a kimono. It wears a red band around its waist, reminiscent of an Obi. Its body lacks feet and it floats in the air like its counterpart, Glalie. It floats like the beauty of a snow blizzard, frostbiten. Its arms are connected to the sides of its head, and flare at the wrists, the movements of a siren of tundra as she casts her illusion on her collection. The flared portion has dappled, light blue coloration, pure and alluring feminine quality. Its hands consist of three small fingers,that press to it's lips as you are preserved in a below 60 Fahrenheit breath. Froslass's head is topped with two ice crystals that resemble horns, for such sweet deceased queens. We are priceless.

Her hands ran over the smooth ice crystal that stung her tips with the capability to freeze this witch solid. Her fingers crawled over the edges, it's grand designed written in the back of a flaming mind. Her palm slide down the mass as she lowered to the ice covered lake with in a cave, protected by a punishing waterfall. Behind the waterfall the cave with still, a labyrinth of tunnels she claimed her own domain. Froslass lives in snowy areas and has the ability to freeze foes with its -58 [in some cases -60] degrees Fahrenheit breath. It is thought to display its victims secretly after freezing them. It can create illusions to manipulate others. Her scarlet red slips hit the surface of the frozen lake.

She could still see the sun Pokemon's bright shine. It's swarm, and body of he//fire. It's spinning flames broke her illusion, damaged her domain and took her master piece. Frolass was a perfect being. "So then why did he get away?" she snarled and set ice shards flying across the room and knocking over the frozen Pokemon off their stone shelves, in the 360 cycle as her sharp blue eyes tinted in yellow acid flew open. "The human. Was mine!"

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 20:31 (11 Years ago)

Title: The Ferry

Raffaelu shifted uncomfortable now on the ferry. His hands trembled making it hard for him read the fine print on the thin slick surface of the ticket. So this was it, this was the day he would make a change. Though he lightly glazed eyes shifted restless, looking over each face. Drawing the lines on their face, and recognizing their features. There were not a lot, that should have set his galloping heart at ease. It should have made it stroll through lush forest. Allow him to be soothed by the singing creek that gurgling through the rocks, and smell the sweet honey due that entwined itself with the wind in weaves. The breeze should tug at his hair, playfully taunting, encouraging him to run with it even though he could never beat it.

His supple lips pressed to making a line to be drawn. He should have felt that way, but he did not. Instead he shifted his weight like an unbalanced scale. If only he could use calm mind like a psychic Pokemon. A hand ran through his grassy stands of hair that hugged his cheeks ever so gingerly. His eyes that imprisoned the sky closed, and it was dark. Now he listened, was he the only one with a ticket? Were these people getting off at his stop or would he be alone? Well, the boat hadn't left just yet. He still had time he supposed.

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 21:18 (11 Years ago)

Title: In Front of the Ferry

A salty spray of water splashed upwards, wetting a fifteen year old's hair as she trotted briskly towards the ferry. Selene shivered slightly and held her pink jacket closer to herself. Her breathing was fast and short from the steady pace she was going, and her heart was pounding at the prospect that lay before her. Selene clutched a wrinkled slip of paper so tight that her knuckles grew white.

Her shoes crunched against the grass, laden with morning dew, as the ferry grew closer and closer. A Chatot that was perched on Selene's shoulder reached down and gave her a gentle nip on the back of her neck. Selene looked over at her shoulder.
"You don't have to do this, you know." Beethoven gently reminded her. "You can turn around, go back home..." Selene shook her head. Even though she was scared and nervous about the future that was set just ahead of her, she knew she wanted to do this. She knew that her faithful partner Pokémon wanted to, as well.
"I have to, I really do. I want to." she half-whispered. Beethoven nodded in understanding, and Selene realized she was standing in front of the boat.

The young girl fumbled with the ticket in her hands, smoothing it out, as she approached a man by the ferry, wearing a uniform of some sort.
"E-Excuse me," she stuttered, holding out the ticket with a shivering hand. "I-I have a ticket... For the island..."
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 21:49 (11 Years ago)
Raffaelu's eyes shot open. His eyes were stung by the salty mist of the see when he hustled over to the entrance of the Ferry. The edges of his lips started to tug up, until gravity broke under the impetus force of his potent smile. His eyes shown with interest, not for how the girl looked but her vibe. He nodded toward the man, and backed away. The man proceeded to examine the ticket, hand it back to her and step aside so that the new member may enter. Raffaelu could feel his heart sway to a more gently rocking of the sea's motions. So he wasn't alone. The salty air, burned his eyes a little, and the dampness caused him to fall into himself with a coughing fit. His feet seemed to be weighed down the the grand wooden design of the floor, as though tar had leaked from it and bound him. With sheer will he made his weakened bones pull back, contract, extend. Pull back, contract, extend. Until he was back into the light air conditioned ferry.

His coughing simmered down a bit, and he tried to straighten his posture as quickly as possible. If only he knew how his smile grew back on his lips. He couldn't get over it, there were more. Even if only one there were more. His hair bounced with his shaken body will he could breathe at a regular rate once more. This was no way to greet a new passenger he knew. Though his physical condition never ceased to never exert mercy. The flat of his black dress shoes slide across the floor until the reached a strong stance for him to try to grasp with the rest of his unwilling body.

Sometimes he felt bad. Thinking about how his lungs would heave, contract and burst out. Forcing air to enter and rid of it with all the fortitude as strong as mortality would allow. And yet with wind slicing the wall of his lungs, gushing out faster than he could demand in, he was now happy. Now if only he could bring himself to ask her name when his fit was over.

Ralts, Gliscore, and Swablu.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2013 22:01 (11 Years ago)

Title: The Ferry

Selene took back the ticket and nodded her thanks. The girl stepped onto the ferry and stopped. She was leaving behind her family, her friends, her Ranger mentor. Was this really worth it? Selene sucked in her breath. Yes. It is worth it. This is a chance of a lifetime, an adventure that stories can not compare to. Selene took another step, and another, until she was fully inside the boat.

Her wide, emerald green eyes took in the scene before her. There were a few rows of comfortable looking chairs, and a solitary young man in one of the seats. Selene blinked. The young man didn't look much older than Selene. He looked about... Nineteen? Eighteen? Another gentle nip on the back of her neck spurred her into walking again. To her own surprise, she took a seat that was three chairs away from the young man. She leaned back and exhaled, realizing that she had been holding her breath for awhile. She took in the sweet, sharp air, and whispered quietly to Beethoven.

"What do you think?" she asked her loyal Chatot. The bird blinked, and whispered back, "I think this is dangerous, and we may be heading towards suicide." Beethoven blinked again, under half-hooded eyes. "However, I also think that we may be on our way to an exciting time. Whatever it is, we certainly won't be bored."